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Flowers, Fruits, and Frass

Vegetable Swap at Heartline and Heart House in Eureka

Vegetable Swap at Heartline and Heart House in Eureka

EUREKA, Ill. – It is time again to share the harvest with our neighbors. On Friday, July 12, beginning at

10 a.m., we will host the second annual Vegetable Swap at Heartline and Heart House at 300 Regan Drive, Eureka (across from Eureka College). This program is open to all who want to give or receive vegetables.

University of Illinois Extension and Heartline Heart and House are teaming up for the second annual distribution of fresh garden vegetables to the community, farmer's market style. In 2018, community members, including Woodford County Master Gardeners, contributed tomatoes, eggplant, herbs, cucumbers, peppers, apples and more. University of Illinois Extension horticulture educator, Kelly Allsup, says "The participants in the program were elated with all of the fresh produce. It puts these delectable veggies in the hands of community members that may not have the opportunity to grow their own gardens or shop farmers markets."

U of I Extension Nutrition and Wellness Educator & Registered Dietitian Jenna Smith will join in on the festivities and give tips on using some of this fresh produce with a tasting of some of her favorite garden-inspired recipes.

Most gardeners grow more produce than they can handle. This is an avenue to distribute some of your fresh garden produce and know it will be used on someone's dinner table. If you would like to contribute vegetables for distribution, please drop off at Heartline/Heart House on the day of the program. If you are unable to attend at 10 a.m. on July 12 and would like to drop off before the program, drop-off is available from 1 to 4:30 p.m. Thursday, July 11 at the Woodford County Extension Office (109 E Eureka Ave, in Eureka).

"This program is perfect for the city of Eureka, a town founded on homesteading values and a strong sense of community," believes University of Illinois Extension Horticulture Educator, Kelly Allsup, "and it lets us all eat garden fresh tomatoes!"