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October is National Apple Month

Fall is here and with it comes apples. October is National Apple Month. Did you know that the average American eats about 17.5 pounds of fresh apples each year, and an additional 30 pounds of apples in other products such as juice; canned and frozen products; and dried.

In 2016, Illinois had over 1700 acres of apples in production which resulted in over 40 million pounds of harvested apples and an estimated value of over $25 million. All across our state, we have access to locally grown apples. A fresh local apple is a great source of nutrition and a healthy snack.

If you are interested in more information on apples. Visit "Apples and More" by the University of Illinois Extension. This website covers a wide variety of topics: history of apples; facts; varieties; nutrition, selection; recipes; preserving; orchards and festivals.