News Releases

shovel digging up summer bulbs
Give summer-blooming bulbs a second chance, store them over winter
URBANA, Ill – Plants, such as cannas, caladiums, dahlias, elephant ears, gladiolus, and tuberous begonia, can make a great addition to the landscape. These plants are commonly referred to as tender bulbs or summer-blooming bulbs. Not all of them actually grow from bulbs, but this is what...
Learn how to identify beautiful fall foliage with tree walks
DECATUR, Ill. – With fall arriving soon, many look forward to trees covered with fiery red and glowing orange leaves. Fully appreciate their beautiful fall canvas by learning to identify trees during Tree ID Walks hosted by University of Illinois Extension. Tree ID Walks has three date...
man in field with smart phone
Soil forecasting project seeks survey input for app development
URBANA, Ill. – For farmers and agribusiness leaders, accessing reliable and timely soil condition data can drive important soil management decisions that affect both short- and long-term production success.   A research collaboration between University of Illinois and...
Select the best characteristics of your garden vegetables with seed saving
MONTICELLO, Ill. – Seed saving makes it possible for gardeners to be self-sufficient and select their favorite produce qualities by using seeds from the fruits or vegetables that possess them. According to Abigail Harper, Michigan State University Extension, “Saving seeds from year to year can...
Grassy weeds becoming more common in lawns
URBANA, Ill. — When confronted with lawn weeds, typically we think of dandelion, creeping Charlie, and violet. These plants and many others are classified as broadleaved weeds, or dicots, and are easily distinguished from grasses which are monocots. Scientists have engineered herbicides that...
Become a Master Gardener and help others grow
DECATUR, Ill. –  Do you have an interest in gardening, a desire to learn and share your knowledge with others, and time to volunteer in the community? The University of Illinois Extension’s Master Gardener volunteer program serving DeWitt, Macon, and Piatt counties may be the perfect fit....
Living with Diabetes, a six-week virutal program, builds community of support
DECATUR, Ill.— Living with diabetes can sometimes feel overwhelming. Planning meals, counting carbohydrates, and just understanding how to adjust your lifestyle is a lot of information to digest. University of Illinois Extension in DeWitt, Macon, and Piatt counties understands these struggles...
Living with Diabetes, a six-week virtual program, builds community of support
DECATUR, Ill.— Living with diabetes can sometimes feel overwhelming. Planning meals, counting carbohydrates, and just understanding how to adjust your lifestyle is a lot of information to digest. University of Illinois Extension in DeWitt, Macon, and Piatt counties understands these struggles...
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Harlan's leadership expands to 48 counties
  URBANA, Ill. – Doug Harlan's leadership has guided University of Illinois Extension staff in central Illinois for more than 20 years. Now, Harlan will oversee Extension programs in the state’s lower 48 central and southern counties, serving as Extension assistant director for the...
Free workshop teaches about monarch butterflies and how to support them
MONTICELLO, Ill. – Monarch butterflies are a remarkable species. Each year, they migrate to places as far as the mountains of Central Mexico to the California coast. Yet, according to U.S. Fish and Wildlife, North America’s monarch population has steadily declined over the past two decades. One...
Family cooking class encourages memory making and learning life-long skills
MT. ZION, Ill. — Cooking with children can be a little messy, but the experiences are worth it. When caregivers cook with children, math and reading skills strengthen, life skills are learned, and great memories are made. University of Illinois Extension in Macon County is partnering with the...
dill pickles
Overwhelmed by garden produce? Pickle it!
URBANA, Ill. – Sour, sweet, bread and butter, Kosher dills, spears, chips, or slices on a sandwich, or as a snack or side dish – pickles are everywhere. For home gardeners with an abundance of cucumbers and other produce, pickling is a great way to preserve your bounty. While cucumbers...
4-H Archery helps youth focus and hit their mark while building life skills
FARMER CITY, Ill. – Archery is for everyone. Regardless of physical ability, youth can participate in this sport. It is one of the oldest sports still practiced and continues to be inclusive. “4-H shooting sports programs help youth get outdoors, explore new interests and build life...
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Guide outlines steps to take when pesticide drift occurs
URBANA, Ill. – Pesticides assist in managing pests. People should use precise application techniques detailed on the label so they don’t endanger people, pets, livestock, plants, and the environment. Damage can occur when pesticide drifts from its intended location onto...
Learn the basics of home preserving and enjoy garden harvests all year long
DECATUR, Ill. — The garden is planted, and the hope for a bountiful harvest is strong. Green beans, tomatoes, cucumbers, corn, and let’s not forget the many fruits that are all wonderful summer treats. But why should they only be summer treats? Join University of Illinois Extension in DeWitt,...
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Microclovers making a comeback as lawns grow in biodiversity
URBANA, Ill. – Clovers are making a comeback in lawn seed mixes. Today many families want to attract more pollinators to their yards. They are searching for ecologically sound ways to grow grass, including adding white clover back to the turf seed mix. Clover adds diversity to lawns and...