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Know How, Know More 2021

Recycle Your Real Christmas Tree

Recycling Your Real Christmas Tree

Are you wondering what to do with your fresh-cut Christmas tree now that Christmas is over? How about recycling it? If you have a landscape recycling center or compost facility nearby, take it there and it will be converted into a renewable mulch or compost. Before you recycle your tree, it must be...
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Feeding bees with syrup through the hive inner cover

Prepare your bees for winter

When temperatures start getting cold in late fall, it's time to make those last-minute preparations that help your bees have the best chance of surviving the winter. Check for Varroa mites This is your last chance to treat for Varroa mites. In the late fall, your Varroa mite sampling should show...
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Gray Tree Frog on Porch Door

Tree Frogs are Hopping

I have been noticing tree frogs for the past month and a half. First, I saw a green one back in September on the porch door and then several on the kitchen window in the evening. This past Sunday, I noticed a gray tree frog sitting inside a storage shed. Locally, I have heard reports of people...
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Preventing storm damage to trees

With frequent summer thunderstorms, we should be diligent in scouting for tree issues that could become a larger problem. Proper preventative care can greatly increase a tree’s longevity. Important first steps  Preparing a tree for weather-related disasters happens before the tree ever goes in...
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Factors to consider when choosing tree species

Trees and shrubs are valuable elements in both public and private landscapes, and the wise investment of time and careful selection will only increase their value. Though there are several non-native species that do well in our fertile Illinois soils, we encourage the use of native species to...
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Take control of your weed woes

Judging by the weed pressure in my garden, the growing season is in full force! Staying vigilant about weed control in the garden is necessary as weeds will compete with desirable species for moisture and nutrients. There are several ways to approach weed management, and an integrated approach is...
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Everything is coming up roses

Roses have a long and vibrant history and have even been recognized as a status symbol. Because roses come in all shapes, sizes, and colors, they allow gardeners a great deal of variety from which to choose. New rose gardeners may be tempted to jump headfirst into growing hybrid tea or floribunda...
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Blooming callery pear tree

The harsh reality of the Bradford Pear

These few weeks in April bring an onslaught of spectacular spring colors from blooming tree and shrub species. As many forsythia, quince, and magnolia blooms fade and leaves appear, some redbuds, dogwoods, and crabapples are just beginning their performance. A very common spring flowering tree...
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Large Crabgrass

Are you ready for lawn care season

If you're like me, while performing spring clean-up around the yard, you may realize some lawn care is also needed! Here are some helpful tips for the season: As grass begins to grow, make sure your mower is serviced and blades are sharpened. Set the deck at a height of 2 to 2...
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