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Financial Wellness

"Family Financial Feuds Decluttering Your Life" with images of cluttered table next to organized table

Declutter your life

Does the clutter in your house cause you stress? Is the clutter a cause for conflict with other family members? Do you want less clutter but you are too overwhelmed to begin? No one goes through life without accumulating stuff, but many of us struggle to keep up with the clutter in our lives. Over...
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"Family Financial Feuds Cottage Food & Second Gigs" with images of cans, jars, and a piggy bank

Cottage Food & Second Gigs

The last few years have seen an increase in the percentage of self-employed according to a recent report from the St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank. As of February 2022, self-employed workers made up almost 11% of employed workers in the U.S. Are you looking for an opportunity for self-employment...
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"Family Financial Feuds Inclusive Financial Education and Practices"

Inclusive Financial Education and Practices

According to the National Disability Institute (NDI), individuals with disabilities who are Black, Indigenous, or Latinx have 28% to 36% higher poverty rates. They are also less likely to be able to save for unexpected expenses compared to their White counterparts. This data speaks to the...
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Purple background with "Family Financial Feuds" and "Managing Credit when Prices are Rising"

Managing Credit when Prices are Rising

As a consumer, you have likely felt the impact of inflation on your wallet, but have you considered how inflation can affect your credit? Costs of various products have gone up, along with interest rates. According to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, Consumer Price Index (CPI) for used...
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Purple background with "Family Financial Feuds" and "Fraud: More than the Dollars", with a graphic depicting a person and fraud symbols

Fraud: More than the Dollars

According to data from the Supplemental Fraud Survey (2021), an estimated 3 million American adults reported being victims of personal finance fraud during a 12-month period and lost more than $3.2 billion total. Furthermore, it is equally important to acknowledge that more than half of financial...
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Purple background with "Family Financial Feuds" and "Fighting to Save Money", with a graphic depicting a person with boxing gloves and bag of money

Fighting to Save Money

Did you know that 32% of U.S. households do not have enough money saved to cover a $400 emergency expense? Maybe the needs in your household are constantly changing, you and your partner don't always agree on how to spend your money, or you aren't sure how to start a savings plan; there can be many...
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Man holding pen sitting across a desk from woman with hands folded

Understand your fair access to credit

When I first started using credit, it was exciting and intriguing to learn how I could build and improve my credit over time. At that time, I never thought about how my personal characteristics (e.g., age, accent/nationality, race, gender, etc.) could be used against me. I became interested in fair...
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Purple background with "Family Financial Feuds" and "Happy travels", with a graphic depicting two travelers walking

Happy Travels

When it comes to creating saving goals, we often think of big-ticket items such as saving for a down payment on a house, education, car, retirement, and emergencies. Saving for fun goals such as a vacation/travel or a concert may not always be front and center. In this episode of Family Financial...
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Purple background with "Family Financial Feuds" and "Teens and Money: No failure to launch", with a graphic depicting women riding a rocket

Teens and Money: No failure to launch

In a world where teens face so many challenges and opportunities, how can we help make sure they learn effective money management skills? To begin answering this question, it is essential to consider what socialization factors could influence teens’ financial knowledge. In this episode of Family...
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Purple background with "Family Financial Feuds" and "Women and Money", with a graphic depicting women holding up a bill

Women and Money

In March, we celebrated and honored Women’s History Month on the Family Financial Feuds podcast! We discussed some of the myths about women and money. We also provided information on women’s longstanding and meaningful relationship with money. To hear our conversation about women’s earnings,...
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Piggy bank floating in ocean with cloudy weather

Forgive yourself and overcome money shame

When I got my first credit card many years ago, I thought I was ready for all the responsibilities that came with managing this type of credit. Even though I did my due diligence to research the card company and believed I could afford to make my monthly payments, there were a lot of things I didn’...
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Blue background with family financial feuds and eat your leftovers in quotes, with a drawing of a bowl and chopsticks.

The mystery of the moldy container in the fridge

What do you see when you open your refrigerator? How many containers of your favorite foods have been sitting in there for the past week or so? Those leftovers you keep meaning to eat - until you must eventually throw them away. Estimates from the U.S. Department of Agriculture suggest that over...
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Text says "Family Financial Feuds: Train Your Brain" with an image of a barbell

Train your brain

In this Family Financial Feuds episode, I had a mind-opening conversation with Karla Belzer about the role mindfulness plays in reducing stress about money. Karla is a Family Life Educator with University of Illinois Extension. She is also now the acting County Director for one of the IL Extension...
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Text says "Family Financial Feuds: Thinking long term - kids versus retirement" with an image of a person with two thought bubbles with question marks.

Thinking long term

Sasha Grabenstetter led the team into a lively and relevant discussion on whether it was possible to save for your children’s education and simultaneously save for retirement. We discussed our past college experiences, covered research on 529 plans, and explored savings goals. Find us...
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Text says "Family Financial Feuds: Mindfulness and Money" with an image of a heart and a brain

Mindfulness and Money

There is growing interest in the personal finance community on mindfulness's effects on our money attitudes and behaviors. The research on mindfulness is continuously evolving. The focus on the relationship between money behaviors and mindfulness is intriguing to many financial professionals who...
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Sign post with "answers" pointing to the right and "questions" pointing to the left.

Weathering the Unexpected

I grew up in Jamaica, where one of the seasons is fondly referred to as the “rainy season,” which seemed like most of the year. Hurricanes, flash floods, earthquakes, and tropical storms are prevalent in the Caribbean. As a young child, I remember the adjustments my dad would make to our house. He...
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"Financial Wellness Checkup Campaign" text, with three cartoon hot air balloons and three clouds.

Financial Wellness Checkup – Grow your savings

Tomorrow is the last day of our social media campaign, Financial Wellness Checkup! Over the past five weeks, we have covered several of your favorite personal finance topics, credit management, estate planning, back-to-school planning, and financial exploitation. We are closing out with a focus on...
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Credit score meter with sad face in the red, happy face in the green

Financial Wellness Checkup Campaign

Over the past few months, the economic climate has shifted dramatically with high unemployment rates and other levels of financial instability. The consumer economics team launches a new 5-week social media campaign, Financial Wellness Checkup. The goal of this social media campaign is to promote...
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woman looking at piggy bank

Coping with finances during times of uncertainties

We all interpret and react differently to changes. In my extended family, some people have “what to do in a disaster plan,” and others prefer to take steps one day at a time. Whatever your approach to the new challenges that we are currently facing, the financial strains that may emerge could cause...
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