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Invasive Species

white flowers on a tree

Grassland teaches a lesson on Callery Pear

Spring has sprung! Birds are active, insects are emerging, and the early bloomers are starting to show their bright flowers indicating the cold days of winter are almost behind us. You may notice the brilliant displays of blooming trees, particularly a white one, that feels like it is THE tree for...
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two red insects, a lady bug and a lady beetle.

Asian lady beetles move indoors for winter

When I put my blog choice in for ladybugs versus lady beetles, I thought it was going to be an easy write-up. A piece about our native ladybugs and the seemingly invasive biological control animal I like to call the Terminator Lady Beetles. It would be a good guy versus bad guy story. Ladybugs,...
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clockwise from upper left: tree of heaven, amur honeysuckle, garlic mustard and oriental bittersweet

Eliminating the Competition...Allelopathy in Plants

When we think of the bawdy, overbearing characteristics of alien invasive species, often what first comes to my mind is their early-to-rise, late-to-bed season of growth. By emerging earlier than our natives, invasive species leaf out, scoop up all that precious sunlight and moisture, then quickly...
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