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8 ways to help your gut - that aren't food

From occasional constipation or diarrhea to chronic digestive conditions, like Irritable Bowel Disease (IBD) or Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD), there's more to managing your symptoms than food choices. A concept called "meal hygiene" offers non-food ways to support your gut health. ...
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learn the signs of stroke. Act FAST and call 9-1-1

Act F.A.S.T. in response to stroke

Did you know that May is National Stroke Awareness Month? While we may not think about strokes often, they are one of the leading causes of death and disability worldwide. In fact, someone in the United States has a stroke every 40 seconds.   What exactly is a stroke? ...
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Celebrate love and prevent heart disease

February is not only the shortest month of the year but is also considered the month of love by many. Whether you express that love by fostering relationships with family and friends or focusing on self-care, being kind to yourself and others has far-reaching benefits. Kindness has been shown to...
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Shot of person during falling in snowy winter park. Woman slip on the icy path, fell and lies. Danger of season trauma.

Prevent falls this winter

Winter signals the changing of yet another season. As the temperatures drop and snow blankets the landscape, snow and cold weather lovers embrace all that winter has to offer. Whether you love winter or find yourself longing for the warm summer sun, one thing is for certain, we must all pay close...
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senior woman in purple tank top holds a plank position in a yoga class

Help! My muscles are shrinking!

For those who have reached middle adulthood, you may have noticed a few changes that you weren’t expecting. For example, you may have noticed you do not seem to have the strength and endurance you once had. This could be due in part to age-related muscle loss, called sarcopenia....
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