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Animals and Science in the Classroom

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Clinical Veterinarian

Being a clinical veterinarian requires a lot of schooling but comes with many rewards, especially if you want to work with 'exotic' pets.  If you love working with lizards, small mammals, birds and other small pets and have a desire to help them through quality preventative care, surgery and...
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Teaching outside the box!

This summer we have incorporated many new educational opportunities for teachers in our professional development series! One workshop added to the annual repertoire was teaching outside the box. Educators were able to venture outside to discover new ways of developing lesson plans that will allow...
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Laboratory Animal Veterinarian - Animal Related Careers

The main job of a laboratory animal veterinarian is to ensure that animals used in research are treated humanely. They usually work in a research environment for biomedical research firms or pharmaceutical development companies. They provide medical care for the animals involved in research....
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Groomer - Animal Related Careers

If you enjoy making dogs and cats look their best, maybe the job of a pet groomer is for you! Many groomers own their own salons and are able to set their own hours; groomers are also housed within veterinary clinics, unless they opt to work for a large store chain. Many times groomers work on...
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Animal Behavior Specialist

Do you often find yourself wanting to know why animals do the things they do? Maybe an animal behavior specialists the career for you! Their main goal is to evaluate and study animals behavior to determine what causes typical actions.  People that choose this career can work with a variety of...
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Winterizing for your classroom pets!

Most winters will bring snow, ice and unfortunately freezing temperatures. During this season it is of the utmost importance to ensure your classroom pets do not become hypothermic. If taking them home is not an option, below is a list of things you can do to make sure they remain happy, healthy...
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