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Time Management

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person writing on paper with pen
Read article: What's on your plate?
What's on your plate?
Have you ever heard someone say, “There’s a lot on my plate,” or “I have too much on my plate?”  Chances are you have even said it yourself....
Pereira record keeping in the field c. 1990. Electronic and paper-based records.
Read article: Good Records. Confident Decisions. No Regrets.*
Good Records. Confident Decisions. No Regrets.*
Living on the edge. Hustling. Working dawn to dusk, sunup to sundown, or 24-7. Nearly every farmer uses these words to describe their life. This...
Read article: Manage time instead of time managing you
Manage time instead of time managing you
If you were to follow yourself for a day, would you be bone-tired by the end of the day or still have the energy to do a few more tasks? Did you have...
Flier for Training
Read article: Farming Life Lessons: A Stitch in Time Saves Nine
Farming Life Lessons: A Stitch in Time Saves Nine
Living on the edge. Hustling. Working dawn to dusk, sunup to sundown, or 24-7. Nearly every farmer uses these words to describe their life. This...
