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Invasive Species

Blog Posts

Identifying danger: toxic plants that look like carrots image of yellow blooms of wild parsnip
Read article: Identifying danger: toxic plants that look like carrots
Identifying danger: toxic plants that look like carrots
The other day, I had the opportunity to chaperone a school group at a local state park. While on the field trip, a volunteer-led the students on a...
Honey Suckle
Read article: Tackling invasives, restoring natives
Tackling invasives, restoring natives
BLOOMINGTON, Ill. – Eliminating honeysuckle from Hedge Apple Woods has been a persistent challenge. However, this invasive shrub is not the only...
group of people in the woods along a stream
Read article: Join the fight against invasive species in America's wild places with Wild Spotter
Join the fight against invasive species in America's wild places with Wild Spotter
Invasive Species   Invasive species refer to any harmful non-native plant, animal, or organism that can negatively impact the environment,...
A collection of small ticks gather on the end of a leaf
Read article: Livestock recommendations for the Asian Longhorned Tick
Livestock recommendations for the Asian Longhorned Tick
Recently, the Asian longhorned tick was found in west-central Illinois. This invasive species can pose challenges to cattle populations in the area....

News Releases


New Invaders: Spotted Lanternfly

Spotted lanternfly is the newest “unwanted” invasive pest in Illinois. Learn how to identify and report this invasive insect as well as how to manage it and prevent further spread.

Tricia Bethke from The Morton Arboretum explores why monitoring for spotted lanternflies in winter is...
