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Heart-Healthy Pumpkin Flax Bread

Over the past few years, carbs have gotten an unnecessarily bad rap, but there's plenty of room for bread in a heart-healthy diet. And it's a good thing, because there's nothing quite like biting into a still-warm slice of freshly baked bread; soft and chewy inside, with a slightly crisp crust....
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Herbed Salmon with Garlic-Parmesan Broccoli

February is American Heart Month, and there's no better way to celebrate than with a heart-healthy meal! The American Heart Association recommends eating fish twice weekly to reap the benefits of this leaner protein option. Cold-water fatty fish like salmon, tuna, sardines, lake trout, mackerel,...
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Healthy Fats: A Balancing Act

Olive oil, peanut butter and avocado are just a few foods that have gone from feared to revered over the last few years for their status as sources of "heart healthy fats." With February being heart month, I thought we should shine some light on this "hot topic" and get down to the nitty gritty...
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Recipe Rescue: Breakfast Casserole

Sausage, eggs, and cheese as part of a balanced diet? You better believe it! Try my breakfast casserole recipe with a heart-healthy twist. Just 240 calories per serving with 13 g of protein, 2 g fiber, and 70% of your daily vitamin C!(Scroll to the bottom of the post for a printable PDF...
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Recipe Rescue: Zuppa Toscana (Tuscan soup)

Zuppa Toscana is one of my favorite soups at Olive Garden but when looking at the nutrition information I decided to make my own version to avoid all of the sodium, fat and calories that come from just 1 serving. By making a few simple changes to the ingredient list, I was able to save 130 calories...
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Recipe Rescue: Beef Stroganoff

Beef stroganoff over egg noodles - comforting, creamy, and just right for a chilly night. But this rich dish can pack in over 700 calories and almost an entire day's worth of fat! Read on to see how you can still enjoy this yummy beef and noodle classic as part of a balanced diet!(Scroll to...
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Winter Meal Life Hack: Slow Cookers

On a snowy, blowy Midwest evening, nothing sounds better after a long day's work than a warm, hearty meal. But after a full day of working, parenting, running errands the like, most Americans struggle to put together a meal to sit down to, thus the ever thriving "to go" food industry. Low and...
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Detoxing the Myths of Cleanse Diets

Cleanses and detox diets take many shapes and forms, but are similar in that they claim to remove toxins from the body and cause drastic weight loss. Many people even report high levels of energy and euphoria as well as feeling more spiritual overall. Sounds good, right? For someone like me who...
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Do You Boil Your Bones?

It's an ancient tradition, but over the past few months, boiling animal bones has become a health craze. Speculated to provide health benefits such as healthier skin and hair, improved anxiety/mood levels, decreased joint pain, reduced inflammation arthritis, and better overall digestive health...
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Healthy How-To: Cold-Cured Salmon (Lox)

Growing up in a Jewish home, it wasn't Sunday without bagels, lox, and cream cheese. I really don't know why the sandwich is a consistent part of American Jewish culture, but I can say with absolute certainty that it makes a really yummy breakfast (and also brunch or dinner). A bagel with cream...
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