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Red male cardinal on grey fence

A year of discovery: Daily observations in my backyard

Author’s Note:  In January of 2022, I embarked on a year of daily half-hour observations in my backyard. This essay is a partial accounting of what I discovered. There’s nothing special about my backyard.  It’s one of countless tracts surveyed and mapped into thousands of neat urban...
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white flowers on a tree

Grassland teaches a lesson on Callery Pear

Spring has sprung! Birds are active, insects are emerging, and the early bloomers are starting to show their bright flowers indicating the cold days of winter are almost behind us. You may notice the brilliant displays of blooming trees, particularly a white one, that feels like it is THE tree for...
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Fire with orange, red, and yellow flames

The Changing Sentiment of Prescribed Fire

When I was a child, I remember fondly the US Forest Service (USFS) forest fire prevention commercials containing the slogan, “only you can prevent forest fires.” We were a camping family, so we were careful to follow safety rules when we cooked with fire at our campsites. As a student and a young...
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Trio of wild turkeys in a snow dusted field

Let's talk turkey: Fact or fiction

From turkey hands made by schoolchildren to presidential pardons at the White House, November is turkey time. And while we may think we know a lot about these birds, here are a few things that might be new to you. Fast Turkey Facts Wild turkeys, (Meleagris gallopavo) are one of...
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White man with dark beard in blue shirt and hat hiking with backpack

Tips for staying safe when hiking during hunting season

Illinois has some of the most beautiful areas to hike across the state. State parks alone have over 270 trails that total more than 700 miles. Each area of the state offers many different landscapes to enjoy. You may encounter rugged bluffs with waterfalls at Starved Rock State Park in northern...
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black and white skunk in straw bed

Share space and give your wildlife neighbors a chance

When people get excited about supporting wildlife on their property, they are usually referring to charismatic wildlife. The ones that bring us joy or whimsy or that serve a function such as pollination. Or even the ones that encroach on our lives the least. For most of us, that is in the form of...
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flying geese over lake silhouetted against sunrise

Be vigilant about bird diseases

Anyone who comes into contact with birds should be aware that avian influenza cases are on the rise in Illinois and around the Midwest. What is avian flu? Avian influenza is a highly contagious virus that spreads naturally among wild birds, sometimes without causing illness. However, avian...
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trees woodland area

Unique soil conditions create biodiversity in Flatwood Forests

Walking through the woods, you will notice that not all forests are the same. The plant composition, elevation in the land, geography, and soil composition all make for a variety of forest types. One of my favorites and most unique is the flatwood forest. A flatwoods is a level area with a hardpan...
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