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Flowers, Fruits, and Frass

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a garden bed of native plants at Yost House in Pontiac, IL

Volunteers make the world go 'round at Illinois Extension

Volunteers selflessly give their free time for the betterment of the community. From answering client questions about gardening challenges, providing environmental education programs to adults and youth, removing invasive species in natural lands, or growing healthy food for those in need,...
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Two colorful bouquets on a wood table

Grow and gift cut flowers to brighten someone's days

Life can be stressful. Even the neighbor who plans perfectly feels hardships of life from time-to-time. With a bundle of fresh flowers, the mood of friends or strangers is guaranteed to be uplifted, according to university research. In fact, this little dose of nature actually affects our...
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A cluster of golden flowers with black centers

'Plants of the Year' offer beauty and dependability

Every gardener has a favorite plant—or plants. These prized possessions may offer unmatched multi-season beauty, survive tough conditions, or be a rare plant that you have searched the garden centers every year to find. Your connection with a special plant is unique. The joy of this plant cannot...
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Dark blue-purple elderberries hanging on pink stems

Ward off the winter blues with plant propagation

In a season of chilly air and cold soil, gardeners cannot help but catch “spring fever”. The remedy for most is trays of soil and tiny seeds – a start of the summer garden – but transplanting those seedlings is a long way off. If plant propagation by seed is too much to remember, try growing plants...
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Yellow, orange, white and pink flowers

Extend the vase life of your fresh flowers with a little care

The delicate act of arranging fresh flowers is a joyful art. Each bloom and sprig of foliage receives special consideration when creating an arrangement as beautiful and unique as the recipient. Local florists are already hastily preparing arrangements for the upcoming Valentine’s Day rush. Aside...
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