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Flowers, Fruits, and Frass 2020

brilliant red-orange oriental poppy pixabay

Divide and Conquer in Fall

If you have a vigorous perennial that has been in the garden bed for more than a few years, or it is starting to choke out some other plants and no longer looking healthy, then it may be time to divide. Plants that need to be divided cannot support healthy foliage and flowers. Some perennials like...
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mole emerging from soil

Landscaping Fiction (Part 1): Don't be fooled by garden add-ons

1. Control grubs in the lawn to eliminate moles and voles? Fiction. A mole’s diet consist mostly of earthworms. This does not mean they won’t eat a grub, but grubs are not their preferred diet. Although mole tunnels can be a nuisance in a lawn setting, most landscape plants are not bothered. Moles...
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wheatgrass growing in a cup

Kids in the Garden: Grow & Explore this Fall

Fall is the perfect time for little ones to get out in the garden to explore plants at their peak, and even grow their own plant projects in the cooler temperatures. Here are a few ideas to get them outside and appreciating nature. Cut Grass Hair Grow your own grass head, then snip or style the “...
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basil and pepper sharing a five gallon bucket

Garden in a bucket

For the last two years, I have been gardening in five-gallon buckets. A team of Extension colleagues from the Horticulture and Nutrition programs are teaching area residents who do not have access to garden space how to grow and their own herbs and veggies. The ‘Garden in a Bucket’ outreach has...
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kohlrabi fall season garden delight

Sow seeds for comfortable fall gardening

In the heat of summer’s end, vegetable gardeners are often drained by the weeding and watering routine, and ready to put the garden to bed. But fall provides a more comfortable environment and some of the most productive gardening of the year when vegetables are planted in late summer and mature...
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Protect yourself from invading mosquitoes

Mosquitoes are out and about ruining people’s picnics, hikes and gardening with their constant swarming and need to obtain blood from innocent Illinois residents. Adult mosquitoes eat nectar, pollen and honeydew (insect droppings full of sugar). However, the adult female needs the protein from...
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Take your butterfly garden to the next level

Are you ready to take your butterfly gardening to the next level and allow some of your beautiful plants to be eaten by caterpillars? Choose the right plants, give them some care, and voila — caterpillars. The most grown caterpillar food in our gardens are milkweeds for monarchs and parsley...
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Make a seed ball

Spread love and beautiful flowers! Mix clay, soil, and seeds to create a ball to easily share or you’re your own flowers. Find an area in your garden that could use some color. Toss or place the seed ball directly onto the bare soil. As it is watered (either by hand or by rain) the clay will break...
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wheat grass growing in a cup

Grow your own grass head!

The grass will germinate and grow quickly to create a lush, green head. Snip or style the “hair” to keep it looking tidy. Materials: 8 oz white paper cup Potting soil Wheat grass seeds Colored pencils or crayons     1. Poke 3-4 small holes in the bottom of...
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silvery checkerspot by kathy dumler

Advanced butterfly gardening

Are you ready to take your butterfly gardening status to the next level and allow some of your beautiful plants to be eaten by caterpillars? Choosing the right plants, some care and voila caterpillars. I am not only altering the habitat of my backyard for the greater good, I will have some more...
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plox from pixabay

Favorite Perennials For the Sun

While designing a perennial flower bed, remember to add personal favorites, and throw out “garden design rules” that don’t fit your vision. Some of the plants I choose are favorites because they are tough, dependable, and beautiful. blue false indigo (Baptisia australis) Native...
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How much water does your garden need?

Originally published by Kelly Allsup on July 3, 2020. Last week's high temperatures and our limited amount of rain is making gardeners' number one job watering. Even though we have gotten some much-needed rain for the flowers and the trees, consistent watering throughout the season is...
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6 Tips for Watering Container Gardens

URBANA, Ill. – Every garden needs water, but with a container garden’s limited soil volume, proper watering is crucial for plants to stay productive. “Proper drainage is just as important as the amount of water added to the container,” says Andrew Holsinger,...
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Controlling Spotted-Wing Drosophila

Females can start laying eggs as soon as you see adults. Once the adult flies are discovered, management decisions should be made. Adult flies are tan with red eyes and a tiny 2-3mm-long (up to a one-eighth of an inch). Males have characteristic dark spots on their wings that can easily...
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Act Now to Avoid Unsightly Bag Worms

Bagworms hang off of trees like little diabolical ornaments, eating the needles and leaves. If you didn’t have them on your trees last year, you likely saw them elsewhere. When the Japanese tree lilacs are in bloom, it is time to scout and control bagworms. This species flowers later than other...
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Maple anthracnose, via U of I plant clinic

Too Much Moisture, More Tree Problems

If you are spending more time out in your backyard this week, you may have noticed some of our central Illinois trees are super ugly this spring. Maple leaves have black splotches, sycamore branches are falling to the ground and ginkgoes leaves are sparse and crinkled. All these symptoms are tree...
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Hedge Apple Woods, Bloomington, by Rick Tindall

Get Out on the Trails

In this time of social distancing and limited activities, enjoying nature should be made a priority for all who need a bit of stress release. Have you bathed in the forest lately, hugged a tree or had a therapy session with an oak? Forest bathing is Japanese practice of immersing yourself in the...
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sweet potato held in black containers

Tropical Tuber Thrives in Illinois Heat

This week’s gardening task includes planting sweet potatoes. Sweet potatoes may be a long crop (4-5 months) but with a gardener’s care, one can have poundage of storable food. Sweet potatoes, a tropical plant, usually need four to five months of warm day and night temperatures for optimal growth....
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tomato trellised on straw bale garden

Plan for Summer's Tomato Harvest Now

Tomato plants are warm-season vegetables that should be planted after the danger of frost. For our area that means early to mid-May. Hopefully no one planted theirs before last weekend’s cold snap! Here are some steps to remember when growing your newly planted crop. 1. The first question you...
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