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Flowers, Fruits, and Frass 2020

Growing Basil in Your Backyard

Nothing says summer like enjoying the freshly harvested vegetables and herbs from your garden. “One of the easiest, most prolific, and flavorful herbs to grow is basil (Ocimum basilicum),” states Brittnay Haag, University of Illinois Extension Horticulture Educator. While there are many cultivars...
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Straw Bale Gardening

Originally published by Kelly Allsup on May 7, 2020. Straw bale gardening has transformed the way I grow vegetables. With a minimal amount of preparation, a delivery of straw bales, and an understanding of how straw bale gardens work, I have had some of the most productive vegetable...
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master gardener observers flowers

Master Gardeners Help the Community's Garden Woes from Home

You have questions. We have answers! Master Gardeners are available to help you with your gardening questions. Problems with your yard or garden? Are you starting a new garden project and need some advice? Are pests or weeds concerning you? Master Gardeners can assist in identifying problems...
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monarch butterfly on mexican hat sunflower

Monarchs Next on the Endangered Species List?

Each year, the month of May is Monarch Month in Illinois to honor our official State Insect. Despite our efforts to honor our butterfly friend, the annual count of Monarchs recently saw a 53% decline in a one-year period, and the Monarch will be considered for inclusion on the Endangered Species...
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black swallowtail caterpillar ascending parsley

Herbs Offering Culinary and Habitat Enhancement

Herbs have been touted by gardeners as some of the easiest and most rewarding plants to grow in the garden. Did you know that some herbs grow best in the cooler season of spring? Cilantro and parsley can be planted by seed or transplants now. Cilantro and Parsley should be planted in rich but well...
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LEGO art in the garden. Photo by Kelly Allsup.

Even Gardeners Have Their First Days

Looking back, we may realize this was the year we had a surge in cultivating new gardeners and nature enthusiasts. While most of my readers already garden and are looking for new tips and interesting information, we likely have brand new gardeners who can do without technical jargon and nuanced...
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zz plant thrives indoors

ZZ Plant is a Tropical that Thrives Indoors

Originally published by Kelly Allsup on April 16, 2020. Most homes have insufficient light, inconsistent temperatures and tap water containing fluoride — all of which make it nearly impossible have lush foliage during the winter months. However, most tropical houseplants can be sustained...
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yellow dandelions in green grass

Welcome Dandelion and Violets into Your Lawn

How can happy and cheery yellow hues and lively and rich purple hues cause people to gleefully countdown towards a weed apocalypse? Dandelions and Violets should be a welcome addition, especially for the eco-friendly gardener, sending up their early spring blooms sporadically throughout your lawn...
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kohlrabi at Garden of Giving

Starting Seeds in Spring

In the last article, we talked about starting seeds indoor with limited resources. A lot of seed can be started outdoors during the month of April. Carrots can be planted by seed starting April 10. Carrot seed is so small that inevitably you must thin your seedlings, which can be quite a tedious...
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nodding onion

Designing Around Specific Colors and Plants

Planting perennials can bring you wonderful surprises and inspiration for future garden design. This year I am raving about my nodding onion (Allium cernuum). I planted them randomly throughout the pollinator garden in my front yard, not knowing a lot about them. During the spring and early summer...
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Start seeds with a clamshell of soil and a spraybottle.

Easy Seeding at Home With Limited Materials

Starting seed at home is easy, even with limited materials. Seeds Some of you may have already gotten your seed order for the spring, but the procrastinating gardener that I am will force me to explore last year’s seeds stash. Horticulturists typically keep their seed stash in a refrigerator to...
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beet greens and lettuce greens

Don't grow distant from your garden!

Free time on your hands? Avoiding social spaces, but need some time outside? First, remember that just because you're outside, the virus can still spread. If you're working with more than one person: Maintain minimum distance of six (6) feet between you and others in the area. Do not...
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base of celery stalk sitting in water

Kitchen Scrap Gardening: Regrow Your Fruits and Vegetables!

Whether you have a young person at home for school closures, or are just young at heart yourself, experimenting with kitchen scraps can turn into a bountiful garden to enjoy again. Skip the compost bucket or garbage can, and re-grow your leftover veggies and fruits for beautiful houseplants and...
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close up of cabbage

Vegetable Variety Recommendations for 2020

‘Tis the season for the garden seed catalogues. If you are like me, you are perusing through these catalogues that advertise 15 varieties of watermelon, 50 varieties of peppers, and even more tomato varieties to choose from. They all look amazing and are all claiming “vigorous!” “great flavor!” and...
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Aralia cordata 'Sun King' Photo credit Janet Draper

The 2020 Perennial Plant of the Year with Martha Smith

The Perennial Plant Association is proud to announce the 2020 Perennial Plant of the Year®! Aralia ‘Sun King’ is a fabulous high-impact perennial that brings a bold pop of glowing color and texture to the shade or part shade garden. It's a secret that just Perennial Plant Association (PPA) members...
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male asparagus ferns on left, female asparagus ferns with seed on the right

How to Achieve Asparagus's Perpetual Harvest

Originally published by Kelly Allsup on February 11, 2020. Asparagus goes great with hollandaise sauce, has a nutty flavor when eaten raw (wash it first, and cut off the lower third), and is always a welcome treat at a restaurant. With a little patience and some planning, you can grow...
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Epiphany farms owner Ken Myszka speaks into microphone

Ephiphany Farms brings 'farm to fork' to backyard gardeners

He’s not just a restaurateur, nor just a farmer, nor just a chef, nor just an entrepreneur. He’s an influencer of sustainable eating. He wants to change the world, one delicious plate at a time. Ken Myszka, owner and operator of Epiphany Farms Hospitality Group, runs four celebrated restaurants in...
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