Mitigation & Resiliency

Climate mitigation looks at options for reducing the amount of climate change expected to take place in a way that doesn’t cause major disruptions in economic sectors now and in the future. Processes or methods that can be used include:

  • Reducing the release of human produced greenhouse gases into the atmosphere
  • Creating long term storage of human produced greenhouse gas emissions

Many of the options for reducing greenhouse gas emissions also work for energy conservation, reducing reliance on fossil fuel supplies from other countries, and finding new areas for workforce development.

Reduce methane generation with composting

The urban forest is a climate tool

Climate resiliency is our overall ability to expect, plan for, and be responsive to disturbances related to climate. Climate change adaptation uses different strategies to reduce the impacts from climate change that are already happening. 

Strategies for adapting to climate change

Empower youth about climate change


Actions for Illinois Residents to Combat Climate Change

While there are many strategies to reduce risk and adapt at global and regional scales, individuals can also take action. 

In this video you will learn how you can address climate change in your home, landscape, and community, explore how different methods of managing your lawn,...