As stewards of the environment, Master Naturalists share their time and talents in communities across Illinois to invest in the future of our natural world.
What to know about avian flu in wild birds, poultry, and pets in Illinois
URBANA, Ill. — The nationwide spread of highly pathogenic avian influenza, HPAI, also known as avian or bird flu, has many in Illinois concerned about livestock, pets, wildlife, food safety, and public health.HPAI is an extremely contagious and frequently deadly respiratory disease for...
Songbirds socialize on the wing during migration, new study says
URBANA, Ill. — The night sky teems with migrating songbirds, aloft in their millions following routes etched in evolutionary time. But those flight paths may not be entirely innate, according to new research...
Can one person make a difference on environmental issues?
Global environmental issues like habitat loss and pollution can feel overwhelming. Can one person’s actions make a difference? Natural Resources, Environment, and Energy Educator Erin Garrett believes so. Garrett provides...
Local Climate Stewards can lead to big changes with new environmental program
URBANA, Ill. — Climate change is a complex global challenge, but local action has an important role in empowering communities and building resiliency. The new University of Illinois Extension Climate Steward course trains environmental stewards to communicate about climate change and engage in...