When rain falls, the water doesn’t just disappear; it has to go somewhere. Some of it soaks into the ground, replenishing groundwater, while the rest flows downhill over the land’s surface. As water moves, it gathers into small rivulets, which join creeks, which then merge with larger rivers and...
This fall, as Everyday Environment explored the different facets of climate change, we — Amy, Abigail, and Erin — also learned a lot along the way, just like we hope you did! With such a broad topic, there were so many different areas that we could dive into and really explore. Across these 12...
The problem with food scraps in landfillsIn the U.S., food waste is a big problem. Nationally, landfills and trash incinerators receive 167 million tons of garbage a year. Half of that is compostable and 21% is food scraps. This means that of the 19 million tons of garbage going to Illinois...
When I was growing up in St. Louis, crossing the Mississippi River in Alton was always my cue that we were almost home from a long road trip. Now that I live in Illinois, I know I am nearing home when I start to see windmills across the blue skies. Even at night, their blinking red lights...
One of the most exciting projects Illinois Extension is involved in is the SCAPES project — Sustainably Co-Locating Agricultural and Photovoltaic Energy Systems. This initiative, funded by NIFA, involves a...
You may have heard of carbon markets, or you may hear anything remotely economic and think: this is over my head. Either way, economic policies that address climate change are necessary to move the dial on reducing emissions, so let’s break down the concept of carbon markets, specifically related...
“Save the Planet” was the repeated Earth Day slogan heard in every school for decades. We thought it made sense, yes, we should save the planet. But looking at it now as we contemplate where we are in our own created history of rising oceans, the depletion of massive water reservoirs, flooding, and...
Climate change is impacting many aspects of our lives. Through increased frequency and severity of extreme weather events, worsening air quality, sea-level rise, and food and water insecurity, climate change is increasing the risk of a myriad of human health conditions. These can include heat-...
Like almost everything else with climate change, the impacts are mostly bad news. Increasing drought severity is already driving pollinator declines in the southwest, and secondary climate change impacts like habitat fragmentation are likely adding on to other stressors. We also know that impacts...