Everyday Environment Blog 2025
From microplastics to pharmaceuticals, contaminants of emerging concern, CECs, are increasingly making their way into our environment, but with awareness and simple actions, we can all play a role in reducing their impact. According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency,...
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When rain falls, the water doesn’t just disappear; it has to go somewhere. Some of it soaks into the ground, replenishing groundwater, while the rest flows downhill over the land’s surface. As water moves, it gathers into small rivulets, which join creeks, which then merge with larger rivers and...
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Many of us have streams in our neighborhoods or cities that we see regularly but often take for granted. Maybe we have a stream in our backyard, one that flows through a local park where we walk our dogs, or one we drive over every day on our way to work or school. But how often do we take time to...
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