
4-H Shooting Sports | Archery

Wee Nats
Join the University of Illinois Extension for Wee Naturalists (Wee Nats), a fun, interactive program for youth ages 4-7, where they will learn about different environmental education topics…

Meditation Mornings

4-H Public Speaking Contest
4-H excels in preparing youth to speak confidently! Our Public Speaking Contest allows youth to highlight their exceptional presentation abilities in a supportive environment.
Check in 5:45…

Healthy Cents
Healthy Cents is an educational program designed to help adults learn how to make healthy food choices for themselves and their families on a limited budget. Participants develop skills to make…

Urban Farmer Training Short Course
Meets online via Zoom: 6 to 8 pm on Mondays
Feb 17: Begin Planning Your Urban FarmThis session will cover the first steps you should take when planning an…

Pesticide Applicator/Operator Testing
This is an in-person, test-only session. All exams will be offered.
All exams can also be taken at scheduled in-person, test-only sessions hosted by the Illinois Department of…

Pesticide Applicator/Operator Testing
This is an in-person, test-only session. All exams will be offered.
All exams can also be taken at scheduled in-person, test-only sessions hosted by the Illinois Department of…

Vegetable Gardening Series at Rock Island library
The 2nd of our five-week series from University of Illinois Extension will take place on March 10: Seed and Plant Choices, Soils and Fertilizers
Led by Emily Swihart, horticulture educator,…