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News Releases
 Becki Doiron stands at a podium and addresses a room full of seniors sharing information about brain and body health.
Family and Consumer Sciences Conference engages seniors
ULLIN, Ill. – Social isolation and loneliness can have a profound impact on well-being, particularly among older adults. The Family and Consumer Sciences Conference provided a welcoming space for seniors to connect, learn, and foster new friendships.Most, if not all, in attendance were...
a deer on the side of the road
Be cautious; watch for deer on roads in fall
URBANA, Ill. — While accidents can happen at any time of year, most deer-vehicle incidents occur between dusk and dawn during the months of October, November, and December. Drivers should slow down and stay alert to avoid deer-vehicle collisions this fall when traveling after dark.Not all...
Winners pose with their fish.
Competition creates passion for fishing
Urbana, IL – Youth from across Illinois headed into the great outdoors to participate in the statewide 4-H Hooks Us Together Virtual Fishing Crappie Challenge in April. While competition is the focus, participating youth take away much more from the experience.“When a kid...
Winners pose with ribbons.
Youth robotics competition revolves around work of ag scientists, engineers
BLOOMINGTON, Ill. — Youth from 30 teams across Illinois demonstrated their learning, celebrated their accomplishments, and interacted with others who share an interest in robotics at the 2024 4-H Robotics Competition held at the Interstate Center on the McLean County Fairgrounds on May 4....

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