Illinois Extension has a vast collection of resources addressing horticultural interests across Illinois. We recognize that home and commercial horticulturalists each have unique needs, so we've cultivated a set of resources designed to address their top concerns. These collections represent the topic areas where we usually get the most questions, but our expertise covers everything from trees to tomatoes to tulips. Contact one of our educators with your questions.
Vegetable gardening
Learn more about how to start your garden and which vegetables to plant during each season.
Gardener's Corner
Quarterly newsletter highlighting seasonal tips and tricks for gardeners.
Red Oak Rain Garden
Learn how to manage the excess rain water in a more cost efficient manner by adding a touch of extra landscape to your yard.
Lawn tips
Check out the Lawn to Lake Midwest website to learn more about the proper way to maintain your lawn.
Learn more about why pollinators are important to your garden and how you can increase the pollinators in your garden with certain plants.