News Releases

young person jumping in air at dusk and 4-H logo
Teens named to take on statewide leadership role
Urbana, Ill. – Seven Illinois teens have a new way to make their voices heard on a statewide platform through the Illinois 4-H Youth Leadership Team. The team is comprised of 20...
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Illinois 4-H alumni to be honored in new awards program
URBANA, Ill. – The Illinois 4-H Alumni Association is announcing a new Illinois 4-H alumni awards program to recognize alumni for their individual achievements, contributions to their industry or profession, service to...
congress delegates pose around a congress sign
Outstanding Illinois 4-H teens selected as national delegates
ATLANTA, GA -- Ten teens from Illinois attended a five-day national conference in Atlanta, GA designed to expand their skills, engage with other 4-H members, and provide inspiration. Delegates to National 4-H Congress are selected on their...
4-H livestock award winners
Illinois 4-H Livestock Judging Team places seventh in the nation
LOUISVILLE, Ky. – The Illinois State 4-H Livestock Judging Team took seventh in the nation at the National 4-H Livestock Judging Contest. This contest is held in conjunction with the North American International Livestock Exposition in...
pigs with 4-H logo
Illinois 4-H Skillathon Team Crowned National Champions
LOUISVILLE, Ky. – The Illinois 4-H Livestock Skillathon Team recently topped 20 teams from across U.S. to bring home the National 4-H Livestock Skillathon Champion title. The contest was held in conjunction with the North American International Livestock...
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Illinois 4-H Livestock Quiz Bowl Team named fourth in the nation
LOUISVILLE, Ky. – The Illinois State 4-H Livestock Quiz Bowl Team was named fourth in the nation at the National 4-H Livestock Quiz Bowl Contest held in conjunction with the North American International Livestock Exposition in Louisville, Ky.  ...
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Illinois 4-H staff honored with national service awards
MADISON, Wis. – Three University of Illinois Extension 4-H Youth Development staff recently received national recognition from the National Association of Extension 4-H Youth Development Professionals (NAE4-HYDP). Amy Henschen, Shelby Carlson, and Myla...
young people looking at book
Teens take on new challenges as statewide healthy living ambassadors
URBANA, Ill. – Nine Illinois teens stand ready to take on new challenges as they begin their work on the 4-H Healthy Living Ambassador (HLA) team. The HLA team is comprised of 4-H members ages 13-19 who were chosen for their ability to lead, mentor, and teach in order to inspire others...
hands holding heart
New project to boost youth health data literacy skills
URBANA, Ill. – A project to increase the health data literacy of youth has received funding through the University’s Extension Collaboration Grant Program. Assistant professor Rachel M. Magee will lead the project, "Health Data Literacy Ambassadors," with associate professors Catherine...
4-H youth help reach those in need locally
URBANA, Ill. – 4-H is invested in feeding hungry families, and youth are leading the way. The 4-H Food Advocacy Grants program is aimed at helping youth become food advocates right in their own communities. The grants provide financial support to youth-led projects aimed at increasing...
winning rifle club
Team attitudes prevail at youth rifle competition
BLOOMINGTON, Ill. – The best teenage 4-H rifle shooters from Illinois gathered to compete in small bore rifle and air rifle competition at the 2022 4-H State Rifle Shoot held at Central Illinois Precision Shooters on Oct. 8. The rifle shooting sports discipline involves both precision...
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Illinois 4-H’er selected as runner up for national 4-H award
LITCHFIELD, Ill. – Elaan Bader from Litchfield is a runner up for the 2023 4-H Youth in Action Award for Agriculture. Bader is recognized nationally for her dedication to pollinator education and environmental benefits. Elaan attributes the spark she has for agriculture and the...