Mark your calendars!
Illinois 4-H Livestock (Beef, Sheep, Swine & Meat Goats) Judging Contest
Registration Site **There will be a $10 entry fee for all senior participants to cover lunch for them. Coaches must login and register total number of senior contestants and pay for each one online at the following registration site. All contestants must be 4-H club members and enrolled in club ZSuites before coaches and register them.
Scantron scoring will replace judging cards this year, access those here: https://go.illinois.edu/4Hlivestockjudgingcontest
The Illinois 4-H Livestock Judging Contest will take place at the Stock Pavilion 1402 West Pennsylvania Avenue Urbana IL. Monday, June 16, 2025. Registration 8:30 am, Contest Starts at 10:00 am, participants must be there and checked in by 9:30 am. There is limited metered street parking in front of the Stock Pavilion.