Frequently Asked Questions


Where does the funding come from?

Funding for LFPA is authorized by the American Rescue Plan (ARP) as part of the “Build Back Better” initiative. In Illinois, $28 million of funds will be received by the Illinois Department of Agriculture and distributed by the Illinois Department of Human Services over two years. 

What can funds be used for?

Most of the funding is for buying locally produced fresh or minimally processed foods such as fruits and vegetables, grain products, meats, beans or legumes, and dairy products. Some funds cover program administration, coordination, storage, and distribution expenses. 

Do growers or producers have to be a specific size or produce a certain poundage to participate?

Regardless of how much they produce, growers and producers of all sizes are encouraged to participate. We encourage you to partner with lead agencies that can handle the logistics required to distribute your amount of product. 

What are my options for transporting food?

How food is transported depends on the capacity of the partners within your region. We encourage you to collaborate with your lead agency and community partners to leverage resources. Some funding is available to rent the infrastructure needed to transport or store products and cover the associated services/personnel costs. 

What quality of food is acceptable?

Food purchased with LFPA funds is intended to be fresh, high-quality products produced following minimum food safety standards. It is not meant to be food rescue quality or seconds. 

Do I need liability insurance?

Some lead agencies may have umbrella coverage for the products they distribute. This is on a case-by-case basis and is not guaranteed. We encourage each grower and producer to purchase liability insurance that fits their needs.