News Releases

COVID-19 forces changes in pesticide training, testing
URBANA, Ill. - The impact of the COVID-19 (novel coronavirus) continues to create uncertainty and concern both globally and here in our community. Following Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidelines...
Plant Clinic still open for business
URBANA, Ill. - The University of Illinois Plant Clinic remains open to identify plant pests and diseases. New guidelines are in place to comply with all university of state guidelines related to COVID-19.  To send samples...
April Meal Tip
Do you have a picky eater at home? Studies show the more often a child tries a new food, the more they’ll get used to it and like it. Make meal time at home fun with creating fun food art with healthy foods, such as ants on a log, or fruit flowers, or have children help in meal planning for the...
Improve your gardens: Four Seasons webinar offers tips
URBANA, Ill. - Extend the beauty and productivity of this year's garden. University of Illinois Extension horticulture experts have added five new offerings to the popular Four Seasons Gardening webinar ...
Understanding the truths of autism
URBANA, Ill. - The myths surrounding autism often overshadow the truths. Leading University of Illinois experts will provide insight into what autism is as they debunk myths during an online webinar from 6:30 to 8 p.m. Tuesday, April 7. The...
Improve your health at home: Online Webinar
URBANA, Ill. - Staying healthy can be a challenge, especially as more of our time is spent at home. Learn healthful strategies for enriching your wellness journey over the next two months that can change your life. Free online webinars offered by ...
Save the taste of summer with at-home food preservation
DECATUR, Ill. — Get ready for summer produce by learning how to preserve food safely with University of Illinois Extension. Nutrition & Wellness Educator Caitlin Mellendorf will teach the basics of home food preservation and provide the latest safety guidelines. Kick off the...
March Monthly Meal Tip
March is National Nutrition Month! This is a great month to check your fruit and vegetable intake and to make sure you’re getting the recommended servings per day. The USDA recommends making half your plate fruits and vegetables, and striving for at least 2 servings a day for fruit and 3...
Time to Prune Your Raspberry and Blackberry Plants
While most fruit trees have been pruned for the season, homeowners should look to prune raspberry and blackberry plants in the next couple of weeks. Your first step in pruning these is to know that brambles produce primocanes and floricanes. “A primocane would be a cane that grew in...
Local FFA and 4-H Members Place at Livestock Judging Contest
DUQUOIN, Ill. —Local FFA and 4-H members competed in a livestock judging contest at the DuQuoin State Fairgrounds on Saturday, March 7. Livestock judging is the evaluation of an animal's characteristics and making a comparison to other animals and the ideal standard of that particular...
Local Volunteers Plan Spring Fling Garden Day
University of Illinois Master Gardeners and Naturalists will be hosting an Annual Spring Fling/Garden Day on Saturday, March 21, 2020 from 9:00 A.M.-3:00 P.M. at Kaskaskia College Lifelong Learning Center 27210 College Road, Centralia, IL. If you are new to gardening or have a lifetime...
Shutting Down the Energy ‘Thieves’ in your Home 
On the hunt for another $100.00 (per year) to stretch your budget? One study found a surprising number of “Always On” electrical devices in our homes:  Coffee makers and other small appliances with built-in clocks  Cable/satellite, game and other TV connecting boxes...
Gateway Green Industry Conference in Collinsville, Ill. March 4
Collinsville, Ill. - The Gateway Green Industry Conference is now taking registrations for the 2020 conference being held on Wednesday, March 4 at the Gateway Convention Center, Collinsville.  The educational program has a track for sports turf, landscape, arborist, plantscape, parks and...