
Grocery and Meal Planning


Has the cost of food been growing in your household? Planning your meals and grocery costs can help to curb expenses. Use this Grocery Planner to help you budget your meal expenses. 

Financial decisions can be stressful and life-altering, they can also set you for success in the future. Illinois Extension has a commitment to providing solid, research-based education in local communities. Look for future opportunities to participate in online and in-person financial education programs.

Information Bulletins

Budgeting, spending, saving, and planning for disasters, can all be overwhelming and confusing. 

Illinois Extension Finance Blogs

Finding Financial Balance

Increasing your financial awareness may improve your money management and financial well-being. Understanding your inclinations toward money and spending may provide insight into making behavioral changes to avoid falling into spending habits that do not provide the expected value. 

Learn more in the Finding Financial Balance Blog

Read article: Planning for pet costs
Planning for pet costs
Caring for pets goes beyond the initial purchase price. When making a spending plan, prioritizing needs first is a common practice. When a pet...
Read article: Practicing basic financial self-care
Practicing basic financial self-care
When it comes to self-care, what comes to mind? Taking time to focus on your own personal needs can be challenging to prioritize. Busy schedules and...
Read article: What can you learn from your W-2, Wage and Tax Statement?
What can you learn from your W-2, Wage and Tax Statement?
Have you received a Wage and Tax Statement for 2024? When you earn money ($600 or more) from an employer, you should receive a...
Read article: Prioritize saving this holiday season
Prioritize saving this holiday season
Tis the season for holiday spending. Retail sales typically increase during the fourth quarter...
Read article: Financial Emergency Preparedness: Are you ready to weather the unexpected?
Financial Emergency Preparedness: Are you ready to weather the unexpected?
A financial emergency is any expense or loss of income you do not plan for, like a missed paycheck, a damaged roof, a flat tire, or a medical bill....
Read article: Spending plan categories: How many do you need?
Spending plan categories: How many do you need?
The Consumer Expenditures 2023 report was recently released from the U.S. Bureau of...
Read article: Youth financial literacy: Money messages from home
Youth financial literacy: Money messages from home
As most schools are in session, many kids are back to learning in a formal classroom setting. While financial literacy may be a piece of the standard...
Read article: Take the driver’s seat in learning about transportation costs
Take the driver’s seat in learning about transportation costs
Big purchases can be overwhelming! While having reliable transportation may be a necessity, find ways to benefit your financial well-being by...