News Releases

Extension offices fill connectivity gaps
URBANA, Ill. –The COVID-19 pandemic accentuated what was already known about digital connectivity: millions of American don’t have access to high-speed internet; many of those are in rural communities. Children attending daily virtual learning, coupled with adults working from home and...
$10,000 prize awaits top ag innovator
URBANA, Ill – Innovation is the heart of Illinois agriculture. A $10,000 Glen Brandt Prize for Ag Entrepreneurism award will be given to one winner who exemplifies an entrepreneurial spirit and advances innovation through their business practices.  Glen "GB" Brandt, along with...
hemp field
Hemp research a win-win for new Midwestern crop
URBANA, Ill. – Industrial hemp is one of the fasting growing crops across Midwestern fields and researchers are recruiting producers in the race to learn more.  University of Illinois Extension commercial agriculture educators are...
Follow cottage food laws when selling at farmers markets
URBANA, Ill – Have you considered selling your homemade foods at a farmers market? Basic guidelines outline what growers and vendors must observe in preparation for farmers market sales. Cottage food operations can be a simple way to generate income from home. The...
Stay safe on the farm this planting season
URBANA, Ill. – Spring is characterized by a fury of activity on farms. In the rush to get crops in the ground, farmers may not have safety and health as a priority.  Learn how to prevent common farm injuries and illness during this critical time at a free online webinar by...
Dream big with expert updates for northern fruit, vegetable farmers
URBANA, Ill. – When upstate fruit and vegetable growers are looking to diversify their small farm or adopt new practices, they rely on the experts at University of Illinois Extension. Every February, Extension educators meet with Wisconsin and Illinois commercial vegetable and fruit...