Maximize Diversity

Building Diversity

Diversity is important in many aspects of life, and agriculture is no exception. Maximizing diversity can help build healthy soil, benefit wildlife, and provide different revenue on the farm.

Crop Rotations

Crop rotation is a technique that involves rotating what kind of crops you grow in the same area or field every year so that soil is not used for the same set of nutrients over and over. Different crops require different nutrients, and if you grow the same crop every year, it will drain that soil of the nutrients it needs to thrive, harming that land. Rotating what crops you plant helps to limit pests, gives the microbes in the soil a diverse diet, and can nourish the soil, allowing it to properly help nourish the next season's crop. One season, you can grow a crop that needs a lot of nitrogen, and the next, you can plant a crop that fixes nitrogen in the soil.

Growing Diverse Forage

Growing diverse forage can reduce weed invasion and insect pests. In addition to this, diverse forage can reduce risk if one crop is to die there are others. Similarly to why you should consider crop rotations, diverse forage contributes to the soil as well.