News Releases

Flower bulbs can bring colorful blossoms into the home during winter.
Flower bulbs can bring colorful blossoms into the home during winter. Illinois Extension offers online make-and-take bulb forcing program on Dec.1 During the winter it is nice to welcome some color and living plants to your home. Forcing bulbs to bloom during can be a fun activity....
Individual leaning down to water a rose bush with a hose.
Watering trees, shrubs in the fall and winter is a balancing act
URBANA, Ill. – After this year’s summer drought in Illinois, it is more important than ever to monitor soil moisture conditions and water trees and shrubs going into winter. Drought conditions in the late fall, along with dry air and low soil moisture, can lead to plant damage if no supplemental...
Keep worms warm for winter vermicomposting
URBANA, Ill. – Vermicomposting or vermiculture, which is also known as worm farming, is the practice of keeping worms to produce worm castings or vermicompost. Vermicomposting is a natural process where worms digest organic matter and produce a waste product that is high in plant-available...
Grub attack could be just under the surface
URBANA, Ill. – Hundreds of dead and dying grubs littered the dirt Chicago sports field once covered in grass. Nancy Kreith, University of Illinois Extension horticulture educator...
Bring homegrown foods to the table this Thanksgiving
Bring homegrown foods to the table this Thankgiving URBANA, Ill. – Celebrating the year’s harvest with a Thanksgiving feast has been an American tradition for more than 400 years. Whether homegrown or from a farmers market, the demand for locally sourced foods is on the rise. ...
Legends and Traditions of Holiday Plants
Are you getting in the spirit for the fall and winter holidays?  Illinois Master Gardeners will present “Legends and Traditions of Holiday Plants” at noon on Nov. 9. The online program will begin with a discussion of several holiday traditions, and why so many people...
4-H shooting sports contest brings fun, camaraderie, teamwork to the range
URBANA, Ill. – Over 90 Illinois youth gathered at statewide competitions this fall to exhibit their skill mastery in shooting sports. In addition to skill levels, the competitions focus on building teamwork abilities, camaraderie, and of course fun. “I know at first it appears odd to...
Don't rake fall leaves, recycle them
URBANA, Ill. – Every fall, an onslaught of leaves drop relentlessly into yards leaving homeowners to rake, bag, and haul them out on the curb. But what many don’t know is that those golden-hued leaves are gold in the garden. “After raking leaves this fall, think about recycling them on...
Reclamation programs help communities transition abandoned mines
URBANA, Ill. — For more than 140 years, coal mining communities in 72 Illinois counties have helped to power the state. As Illinois pursues energy transitions, coal power plants have downsized and closed, leaving mines abandoned and communities without avenues to replace lost tax revenue and...