News Releases

Darci Webber
New Extension environmental educator takes root in central Illinois
BLOOMINGTON, Ill. — When it comes to coexisting with nature, the solutions aren’t always straightforward. What do you do if your native plant landscaping attracts a family of groundhogs? How do you work with your neighbors to remove encroaching invasive species? Where can you go in town to find...
Pink Wall of flowers next to a hanging basket of purple petunias.
Explore the 2024 All-America Selection flower and vegetable variety winners
URBANA, Ill. — While the rain, thunderstorms, and snow replenish the soil moisture, winter can still bring the blues. To welcome the spring season, check mailboxes for the new garden catalogs and start spring garden planning. When planning, remember to leave room for the spontaneous buys when...
Text "Rain Garden Rumble" with illustrations of native plants
Root for your favorite native plant in Rain Garden Rumble playoff
URBANA, Ill. — It’s plant versus plant in the return of the Rain Garden Rumble that pits native flowers against each other in a friendly competition to take home the 2024 title. This March, get to know 28 plants native to Illinois by building a bracket and voting for your favorites in the annual...
group of people dressed in career outfits
Youth learn about careers and life skills
University of Illinois Extension invites you to participate in the upcoming Career Explorers: An Introduction to Career Paths and Life Skills at the Graves-Hume Public Library in Mendota. This program is for youth ages 8-12 who are interested in planning their futures. Career...
(left to right): Albie Hartman, Addy Thomas, Payton Frueh, Gabby Carden, and Gretchen Carden.
Bureau County 4-H Takes on Illinois 4-H Horse Judging Contest
GALVA, Ill. - In Galva, Illinois, young participants from across the state showcased their expertise in equine studies at the Illinois 4-H State Horse Judging Contest held on February 17 at the Black Hawk College East Campus. During this competition, young participants assess six...
A hand saw cutting into a branch to prune it at the proper location
Cutting back branches leaves trees with healthier outlook
URBANA, Ill. — To stay healthy, sometimes trees need a little help in the form of a trim. Pruning is an essential maintenance activity to promote tree health, safety, and aesthetics. Since trees are large, long-living plants in our landscape, pruning throughout the life of a tree can have a...
Members pose in green shirts in the Capitol.
Teen leaders showcase leadership, speaking skills at State Capitol
SPRINGFIELD, IL — Illinois 4-H teens put their leadership skills to the test as they communicated the value and impact of Illinois 4-H with state legislators as a part of 4-H Legislative Connection on Feb.7 and 8.Legislative Connection provides Illinois 4-H teens a unique opportunity to...
People crouched around a raised garden bed with vegetables growing in it. One woman is taking notes.
Get inspired to get growing at regional garden days
URBANA, Ill. — Imagine picking fresh fruit off a tree in your backyard. Or snipping fresh herbs from a potted plant growing on your windowsill for a family meal. Gardening is an adventure, and each spring is a new opportunity to grow. Whether your garden is a few houseplants by a window...