You Belong Here
Commitment Statement
Illinois Extension acknowledges and values the rich diversity of our communities and staff. We are committed to creating an organizational culture of belonging where equitable and inclusive practices are integrated throughout all areas of our community-engaged work.
Core to our DEIA principles are five goals:
- Create equitable representation (e.g., different skill sets, gender and gender non-conforming, race, and ethnicity) in our workforce, volunteer base, and program audiences to be reflective of our communities;
- Foster an inclusive environment that honors diversity, promotes equal opportunities for all, and actively removes barriers to access.
- Integrate cultural humility in all aspects of our work and partnerships;
- Build an organizational culture of belonging where people feel valued, included, and accepted and;
- Fulfill our compliance responsibilities while simultaneously reflecting on the changing needs of the communities we serve. Ensuring that everyone regardless of background has the tools and knowledge to succeed.
What we envision
Illinois Extension envisions a future where every member of our diverse community has equitable access to educational resources and opportunities.
Diverse perspectives, ideas, and experiences lead to a wider understanding of ways to work with all our communities, especially those that are underserved or those who have not historically benefited from Extension’s programs.
Equity refers to fair treatment, access, opportunity, and advancement for all students, faculty, and staff and the commitment to identifying and eliminating barriers that have prevented the full participation of some (usually historically underrepresented and marginalized) groups.
As a public-facing organization, Illinois Extension's goal is to provide equitable access to the resources and educational opportunities we offer.
Inclusion is the active, intentional, and ongoing engagement with diversity themes. By embracing and affirming differences and offering respect in words and actions for all groups and people, inclusion is achieved.
At Illinois Extension, we take steps to set inclusion goals and evaluate how we did. For example, program staff includes DEIA goals tailored to local needs to reach underserved populations and, at the end of the year, examine their progress.
Accessibility includes the provision of accommodations and modifications to ensure equal access to employment and participation in activities for people with disabilities and the reduction or elimination of physical and attitudinal barriers to equitable opportunities. It is a commitment to ensuring that people with disabilities can independently access every outward-facing and internal activity or electronic space and the pursuit of best practices such as universal design.
For Illinois Extension, access also means examining how we create programs and determining some of the digital, attitudinal, physical, and economic barriers people face to our programs and resources.
Belonging is a feeling that is associated with being valued, included, supported, and connected. The feeling of belonging allows staff to bring their true and authentic self into professional spaces. Belonging to Illinois Extension also means that the diversity of our community members, partners, and other stakeholders is represented in all aspects of the work we do, including employment, marketing, strategic planning, program delivery, and more.
Illinois Extension is committed to creating an organizational culture of belonging. We promote inclusive practices that value and leverage to skills and talents of a diverse workforce.