Diabetes can damage nerves and reduce blood flow to your feet, making foot problems a risk for anyone with diabetes. Foot problems are the reason one in five people with diabetes seek hospital care, according to the American Diabetes Association. The link between diabetes and foot or leg amputation is well known. Less well known is that, most people can prevent serious foot problems if they follow a few simple steps.
Prevention is key! Take off your shoes and socks while waiting for a check-up with your doctor. A complete foot exam should be done at least once a year, and more often if you have foot problems. Your doctor may refer you to a foot specialist known as a podiatrist. Do not try to trim corns or calluses yourself. Your health care provider or podiatrist can take care of any foot problems, and can also trim your nails if you are unable to safely do so on your own. Contact your health care provider anytime you notice a cut, break in the skin, or change in foot color or shape. Furthermore, never ignore changes in foot sensitivity or foot pain.