Own a forest, but not sure how to care for it?
Apply for the 2024-25 Southern Illinois Beginning Forest Landowner Course!
Illinois has 4.8 million acres of forest land, most of which, 83%, is privately owned. New forest landowners or forest landowners new to management are invited to participate and learn how to actively manage their woodlands to meet their goals with the Beginning Forest Landowner Program.
Topics: Forest ecology, tree identification, the timber harvesting process, thinning and pruning, managing for wildlife, invasive species control, prescribed burning, and more!
The 2024-2025 Southern Illinois Beginning Forest Landowner Course will consist of four weekend programs, Friday-Saturday, plus a few additional virtual or in-person events. Each weekend will include in-class presentations, hands-on practices, and field tours. All programs start at 9 a.m. Friday at Dixon Springs Agricultural Center, 354 State Highway 145N, Simpson, IL. Some portions of the course will require short travel to other locations.
- October 4-5: Forest ecology and development, Intro to forest management, Tree identification, chainsaw safety, and Forest measurements
- November 8-9: Forest management plans, Silviculture, Conducting a timber harvest, Funding assistance programs, Managed forest tours, and Invasive species management
- January 10-11: Forest soils, Pruning, Winter tree identification, Forest Diseases and Pests, Management Forest Tour
- February 7-8: Prescribed fire, Tree planting, Crop tree release, Tree planting tour
2023-24 Course
Full Course: March 2023-February 2024
The previous cohort for the program ended in late winter of 2024. This program included full-day instructional sessions and hands-on field days led by Illinois Extension Forestry staff and program partners.
Virtual Short Course: September 2023
A series of virtual classes paired with in-person field days was offered across the state in fall of 2023. These classes were be led by forestry experts and provided the knowledge necessary for landowners to begin managing their forested land. See recordings of the virtual courses HERE.
Program Partners
This program is made possible through collaboration between University of Illinois Extension Forestry and the Illinois Forestry Association, the Illinois Department of Natural Resources Division of Forestry, the Shawnee Resource Conservation & Development Area, the Nature Conservancy, the Southern Illinois Prescribed Burn Association, and the River to River Cooperative Weed Management Area.
How to Apply
Applications are currently being accepted for the 2024-2025 Southern Illinois Course. Register Here.
- Past program courses: 2022-23 Beginning Forest Landowner Program Review
- Syllabus from 2022 Full Course
Contact Us About the Program