Resource Library

Screenshot of shelf talker for fruits and vegetables

NEFPAT+ Sample Shelf Talkers

To be used along with the Nutrition Environment Food Pantry Assessment Tool Plus. Shelf talkers are small printed signs to help pantry neighbors shop at the pantry.
Keywords: NEFPAT

NEFPAT+ Getting Started Materials

Includes background information on NEFPAT+ and the following documents: 1) Project Implementation Plan; 2) marketing flyer; and 3) reading nutrition label handout.
Keywords: NEFPAT
Screenshot of NEFPAT+ Technical Assistance Guide Cover Sheet

NEFPAT+ Technical Assistance and Resource Guide

To be used along with the Nutrition Environment Food Pantry Assessment Tool Plus. This revised guide provides action steps and resources corresponding to each NEFPAT+ strategy.
Keywords: NEFPAT
Screenshot of NEFPAT+ Cover Sheet

NEFPAT+ Assessment

NEFPAT+ is the enhanced version NEFPAT including PSE approaches.
Keywords: NEFPAT
thumbnail of SNAPed 2019 report page 1

2019 SNAP-Ed Impact Report

Our 2019 SNAP-Ed impacts are detailed in this downloadable PDF.
NEFPAT logo icon

Nutrition Environment Food Pantry Assessment Tool

The NEFPAT is a short environmental assessment tool to use in food pantries. The assessment allows users to easily identify policy, systems and environmental changes, such as distribution practices and healthy marketing strategies. The evidence-based objectives of the tool evaluate food distribution styles, promotion of healthful foods, variety of fruits and vegetables available, access to information about community resources, and meeting the needs of a diverse clientele.
Keywords: NEFPAT, Food Access
icon with clipboard, apple, pencil, pepper, and can of food with NEFPAT text below

Instructions for the Nutrition Environment Food Pantry Assessment Tool

Instructions for using the Nutrition Environment Food Pantry Assessment Tool or NEFPAT. Please also watch the NEFPAT training at:
Keywords: NEFPAT
screenshot of cover of report

Illinois Farm to Food Bank Program Report

University of Illinois SNAP-Education is a contributing partner of the Illinois Farm to Food Bank Program, an initiative whose goal is to build a long lasting, sustainable system creating a relationship of farms working directly with food banks to increase food access, economic dollars within the state, profitability for Illinois farmers, community revitalization and reduce food waste. In contribution to the initiative, University of Illinois Extension SNAP-Education conducted food pantry manager focus groups in July of 2021 to learn about the challenges and opportunities of distributing fresh foods in Illinois food pantries. This report details the findings from these focus groups.
Keywords: Food Access
screenshot of report template with spaces to type in findings

FB-HANA Report Template

Use this template while completing the Food Bank Health and Nutrition Assessment Tool, or FB-HANA. For more information, visit
Keywords: FB-HANA
icon with clipboard, apple, pencil, pepper, and can of food with NEFPAT text below

NEFPAT Get Started Materials

Includes the following documents: 1) NEFPAT Development Summary; 2) Sample Food Pantry Action Plan; 3) Pantry NEFPAT Assessment Checklist/Guide; and 4) NEFPAT Process and Strategies
Updated: 7/22/22
Keywords: NEFPAT
Illinois Junior Chefs certificate

Illinois Junior Chefs Certificates

These certificates can be given to youth participants who complete the Illinois Junior Chefs curriculum. They are available in English and Spanish.
Updated: 7/22/22
Keywords: Illinois Junior Chefs
navy blue shield with Illinois Junior Chefs printed on it and chef hat on top

Illinois Junior Chefs Surveys

Pre-program and post-program surveys for youth participants to complete are included in this file. This survey asks about cooking self-efficacy, cooking attitudes, and cooking and eating behaviors. The survey was pilot tested with youth who also completed cognitive interviews to confirm they understood the survey questions. It is designed for children aged 8-13, takes an average of 10 minutes to complete, and should be used before the first lesson and at the end of the last lesson.
Updated: 7/22/22
Keywords: Illinois Junior Chefs
navy blue shield with Illinois Junior Chefs printed on it and chef hat on top

Illinois Junior Chefs Curriculum

Illinois Junior Chefs is a direct education curriculum designed to improve dietary attitudes and behaviors in youth ages 8-13 through learning hands-on cooking skills and MyPlate food group education. It is a 10-hour cooking education program designed to be split into five, two-hour classes. Each class focuses on a food group and related cooking skills.
Updated: 7/22/22
Keywords: Illinois Junior Chefs
screenshot of cover of recipe book

Illinois Junior Chefs Recipe Book - Spanish

The recipe book that pairs with Illinois Junior Chefs curriculum, featuring recipes and handouts from the lessons. This version is in Spanish.
Updated: 7/22/22
Keywords: Illinois Junior Chefs
navy blue square with Eat, Move, and Save stacked in a block

Eat. Move. Save. Healthy Text and eNewsletter Print Promotional Items

The Eat. Move. Save. Healthy Text and e-Newsletter are available for Illinois families to sign-up for to receive information about eating healthy, being more active, and saving money on food costs. Plus, Healthy Text participants may receive a weekly text promoting local events and resources. Partners are welcome to print and use these printables to promote these programs to their clients and communities. Available in both English and Spanish.
Updated: 7/22/22
Keywords: Nutrition
White background with words "Find Food IL" in green next to small yellow state of Illinois. Displays map on mobile and tablet screens.

Find Food IL Partner Link Hosting Materials and Guidance

Find Food IL is a community food resource map that helps Illinois residents find food resources in their community. Partners are welcome to host a link to the map on their organizations’ website or social media pages in accordance with the Find Food IL Partner Style Guide.
Updated: 7/22/22
Keywords: Food Access, Find Food Illinois
White background with words "Find Food IL" in green next to small yellow state of Illinois. Displays map on mobile and tablet screens.

Find Food IL Promotional Materials

Find Food IL is a community food resource map that helps Illinois residents find food resources in their community. This download includes two items in English and Spanish to promote Find Food IL: 1) 8.5x11" flyer, and 2) 8.5x11" page to cut into four mini-flyers. Partners are welcome to print and use these printables to promote Find Food IL to their clients and communities.
Updated: 7/22/22
Keywords: Food Access, Find Food Illinois
screenshot of cover of recipe book

Illinois Junior Chefs Recipe Book - English

The recipe book that pairs with Illinois Junior Chefs curriculum, featuring recipes and handouts from the lessons. This version is in English.
Updated: 7/22/22
Keywords: Illinois Junior Chefs
icon with clipboard, apple, pencil, pepper, and can of food with NEFPAT text below

NEFPAT Technical Assistance & Resource Guide

To be used along with the Nutrition Environment Food Pantry Assessment Tool. This guide provides action steps and resources corresponding to each NEFPAT strategy. The recommended process for a NEFPAT intervention includes 1) assessment, 2) action planning, 3) intervention, and 4) reassessment 3-6 months after the initial assessment.
Keywords: Food Insecurity