Pay Fees
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Fee Schedule
- General Diagnosis, including cultures | $20
- Serological tests (ELISA and lateral flow device tests)* | $25
- Specialty nematodes (Soybean Cyst Nematode (SCN) egg count, Pine Wilt Nematode screening, etc.) | $25
- Vermiform (corn) Nematodes | $45
- SCN Typing (soil) | $75
- Hg Typing (soil) | $120
- Molecular Assays** | $50
*Serological tests are used to test for specific fungal, bacterial, and viral pathogens.
**Molecular assays include herbicide resistance testing, Palmer amaranth identification, and pathogen detection.
Please contact us with questions about specific or specialty tests.
Payment may be made via cash (in person), checks, and credit card (only after samples are completed).