
Take Charge of Your Health: Chronic Disease Self-Management

Illinois AgrAbility Webinar Series
Symptoms from chronic pain can make farm tasks an extra chore.

Experiencing symptoms from chronic disease is a daily and often private occurrence for many. Illnesses such as heart disease, diabetes…

Illinois Injury Surveillance Efforts

Cultivating Caution: A Monthly Guide to Farm Safety and Health Webinar Series
Discover how ag data tracking drives injury-preventative initiatives.

Explore the available agriculture-related injury and illness tracking programs active in Illinois. This session will cover data…

Farm Safety for Youth: Keeping the Next Generation Safe

Cultivating Caution: A Monthly Guide to Farm Safety and Health Webinar Series
Reduce the dangers for youth on the farm by implementing safety precautions.

Young people are uniquely vulnerable to farm hazards, and children and teens make up a significant portion of injuries…

Addressing Mental Health and Stress in Agriculture

Cultivating Caution: A Monthly Guide to Farm Safety and Health Webinar Series
Identify challenges in agriculture roles to find strategies for alleviating stressors.

Farming and ranching are filled with stressors like financial pressures, uncertain conditions, long hours, and…

Resources for Farmers in Crisis

Cultivating Caution: A Monthly Guide to Farm Safety and Health Webinar Series
Know where to turn for crisis resources before it happens.

When injury, illness, or natural disasters strike, farmers and ranchers need help to continue operating. This program highlights two key…

Future of Ag Safety: How AI Will Transform Agriculture

Cultivating Caution: A Monthly Guide to Farm Safety and Health Webinar Series
Take ag safety into the future by exploring ag technology.

For the final webinar in the series, Illinois experts will look ahead at emerging technologies and innovations that will transform safety…