News Releases

Southern Illinois growers rely on Extension's sound production advice
URBANA, Ill. – When downstate peach growers need a new cold-hardy variety, or when pumpkin fields are threatened by pests, growers rely on the experts at University of Illinois Extension. Extension educators have hosted in-person specialty crop schools in Southern Illinois for...
Live happy, healthier, wealthier lives; Extension can help
URBANA, Ill. – We're never too young or too old to learn valuable lessons that keep us fit, healthy, happy, and financially sound. In a tradition which has lasted decades and adapted with the changing world environment, Lessons for Living are monthly workshops which provide easy-to-understand...
Country ponds need help to stay healthy, beautiful
URBANA, Ill. – Owning a lush and scenic country pond is a point of pride for many rural landowners, but over time ponds need a hand to stay clean and healthy. “Good management can slow or stop harmful changes like a buildup of surface algae or a decrease in fish so you can use and enjoy...
Annual Conservation Cropping Seminars now available online
URBANA, Ill. – The eighth annual Conservation Cropping Seminars will return January 2021 in a new virtual format over three days. The seminars give farmers access to soil health ideas from researchers that will improve practices on the farm. The free three-day conference will be 9 to 11...
Learn how to start a community garden on January 20
According to, “People who live in rural areas often face hunger at higher rates, in part because of the unique challenges living remotely presents: 2.2 million households in rural communities face hunger; Rural communities make up 63% of counties...
Fruit and Vegetables
2021 Fruit & Vegetable VIRTUAL Conference
University of Illinois Extension will host their 2021 Fruit & Vegetable VIRTUAL Conference on Wednesday, February 10.  This will be the Southwestern Illinois Tree Fruit School (normally held in Hardin) combined with the Southern Illinois Fruit & Vegetable School (normally...