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Grant Resource Guide: Recreation, Sport, and Tourism

About the Guide


Our Grant Seeking Resources Guide provides communities with a useful resource for scoping grants and funders who have grant programs that align with the funding needs and goals of parks, recreation, and tourism organizations.


This resource guide is a working document that will be revised and updated periodically as new funding sources become available and other grant programs change or end. For the most part, this resource guide is organized by types of funders: State, federal, and foundation/association/corporate. The last section features economic development grants, which may align well with efforts to use recreation and tourism as a strategy for economic development.

Each entry provides a brief overview of grants and grant-in-aid programs relevant to parks, recreation, and tourism service agencies. Below is a brief description of the types of funders/grants included in this resource guide.

State Grants

Grants through the Illinois Department of Natural Resources and Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity serve to distribute federal funding allocated to the State of Illinois to enhance parks, recreation, and tourism services and to help acquire and develop open space throughout the State.

Federal Grants

These grants are scarce, as most of the grants distributed by the National Park Service and other recreation-focused agencies within the Department of the Interior are for very specific natural resource based conservation grants. Funding that can be used at the local level, such as Land and Water Conservation Fund money, is distributed to the aforementioned State grants. 

Foundation, Association, and Corporate Grants

Grant opportunities here are vast, and the list provided is just a starting point. Each grant will have its own stipulations, such as serving only 501(c)(3) non-profits or being by invitation only. Eligibility criteria such as these are briefly mentioned but should be reviewed further on their website. 

Economic Development Grants

Enhancements to tourism and recreation infrastructure in rural communities are great economic catalysts that lead to prosperous communities, but this is only one piece of the puzzle. Investment and development of the workforce within a rural community is another key factor in the development of the local economy in rural areas. 

The development of recreation and tourism in rural communities provides innumerable benefits to the local economy and residents' quality of life and can preserve and showcase a community’s unique local heritage and traditions. With a much smaller local tax base to draw from, relying upon alternate funding sources such as grant-seeking and inter-agency collaboration among the public, non-profit, and private sectors is becoming increasingly necessary to help build and restore rural communities throughout Illinois. 

Grant Resource Guide: Recreation, Sport, and Tourism

Get Started with Grant Writing


Finding a grant is step one. Writing the grant is the next step to securing funding for your initiative. There are several steps to effective grant writing, and entire workshop series and courses are dedicated to grant writing. This grant guide provides initial considerations and guidance and shares additional resources to learn more about the ins and outs of grant writing.

  1. Review for Eligibility: Be sure your organization(s) are eligible for the grant. Read the request for applications (or proposals) carefully. You can search the PDF using the word “eligibility” and find what you need to know. 
  2. Fit with your Ideas: Look at the aims of the grant program and make sure your project fits their aims and goals. 
  3. Develop your Team:  Organize an experienced team whose strengths complement each other that qualified to carry out the work proposed. 
  4. Evaluation: Review the information that describes how applicants are evaluated. Usually, a set number of points are allocated to sections such as definition of the problem/issue or identification of need, goals and objectives, methods and/or plan of work carried out to accomplish goals, explanation of the team (e.g., experience, expertise, responsibilities for this proposed project), proposed budget, evaluation plan, and project schedule. 
  5. Develop a 1-page Abstract: Start with a 1-page abstract that describes the issue/problem addressed in the proposal, the project aims and scope, and a brief overview of the initiative needed to alleviate the issue/problem. Get feedback from multiple stakeholders and collaborators. 
  6. Letters of Support: Use the revised 1-page project abstract to secure letters of support and develop a template letter of support that collaborators can tailor. 
  7. The Proposal Narrative: Develop the body (i.e., narrative) of the proposal. Make sure to follow the directions. Proposals that stray from directions are often cut from consideration. Avoid using jargon or scientific terminology that reviewers may not know. 
  8. Budget: Check to be sure proposed costs are permitted in the budget. Some funding agencies may cap personnel or travel expenses. Be sure you keep your budget at or below the maximum allowed. 
  9. Program Evaluation: Most funding agencies ask that you explain how you will evaluate your project/initiative. Describe the purpose of your evaluation (formative, summative, process, outcome), methods and expected outcomes of your evaluation.
  10.  Review and Revise: Make sure to include time to have stakeholders or experts review your proposal and make revisions based upon feedback.

Grant Writing Resources

Grant Resource Guide: Recreation, Sport, and Tourism

Grants and Funders Information centralizes over 1,000 federal grant programs across federal grant-making agencies, awarding more than $500 billion annually. Find standardized grant information, application packages, and processes for finding and applying for federal grants in one location. Register to apply for multiple federal agency grant programs with one secure login.

  • All grant applications through Grants.Gov are online.
  • Eliminates expense, time, postage, and reproduction costs associated with traditional paper-based grant applications.
  • Expansive list of filters and advanced search options make searching for and researching grants much easier.


Candid is a nonprofit organization that provides data on nonprofits, foundations, and grants connecting people to association grants and funding. The Foundation Directory Online Tool provides an extensive and up-to-date database of philanthropic giving. The FDO Professional Subscription offers access to over 23.5 million grants.

  • Payment for the FDO professional ranges from $118.67/mo. to $199.99/mo.
  • It also offers a comprehensive database of 990 forms for private foundations, public charities, and other nonprofits. This allows you to pinpoint funders that support your cause and access key funding insights. Access the 990 Finder.

National League of Cities

This organization comprised of city, town, and village leaders focuses on strengthening local leadership, influencing federal policy, and driving innovative solutions. Access useful articles relevant to local leaders on grant-seeking processes for municipal government.

United States Conference of Mayors

This non-partisan organization provides awards and grants to member cities for a number of opportunities ranging from childhood obesity prevention to environmental sustainability to the development of the arts.

Additional Resources

Find more funding opportunities and access tools and resources that help communities navigate grant processes and policies. Organizations and agencies include the National Governors Association, the National Association of Counties, and the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention.

Grant Resource Guide: Recreation, Sport, and Tourism

Potential Funding Avenues

newly constructed bike path through woods
Community Project Funding

Community Project Funding, formerly known as Earmarks, are congressional provisions directing funds towards specific community projects. In this process, each elected member of Congress gets to pick and rank up to 10 Community Project Funding requests.

Community engagement and support are crucial in determining what projects are worth federal funding. Projects that span multiple communities and/or those deemed regionally significant are generally more favorable, as they reach more constituents. 

To propose a project for Community Project Funding, reach out to set up a meeting with a staff member for your elected congressmen to present your project proposal.

smiling workforce development trainer with team
Workforce Development Resources

Through the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), Federal grants are provided to states, who then grant money to municipalities to provide Employment and Training services to adults, youth, dislocated workers, and vocational rehabilitation participants. 

  • Parks, Recreation and Tourism service providers are major employers for each of these types of employees, making seeking these Workforce Development Grants and Resources a viable option.
  • Current legislation is in progress for a Jr. Workforce Development program, which, if passed, could see even more funding available through WIOA grants. 

In 2021, the Federal Government awarded $99 million in State Apprenticeship Expansion, Equity and Innovation grants, with grants ranging from $2 million - $10 million. $85 million of this was awarded to states that demonstrated a commitment to increase their diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts. 

The current focus is on partnerships with new industries, non-traditional occupations, and industry sectors such as tourism and hospitality, hit hardest by the pandemic.

Grant Resource Guide: Recreation, Sport, and Tourism

State Grants

Park and Recreation Facilities Grants (PARC)

PARC provides funding assistance to local government agencies for park and recreation-based construction projects and land acquisition.

  • Granting Agency: Illinois Department of Natural Resources
  • Application Dates: June 15 of each year
  • Grant Amount: $25,000 to $2,500,000
  • Fees or Matching Requirements: The grant covers up to 75% of capital project costs for most applicants and 90% for disadvantaged communities.
  • Eligibility Requirements: Limited to units of local government with the authority to expend public funds for the acquisition and development of land for public indoor or outdoor park, recreation, or conservation purposes. Includes: Counties, townships, municipalities, park districts, conservation districts, forest preserve districts and river conservancy districts.

Open Space Lands Acquisition and Development Grant (OSLAD)

OSLAD provides funding assistance to local government agencies for acquisition and/or development of land for public parks and open space. Projects vary from small neighborhood parks, sport courts, and swimming pools to large county parks and natural areas.

  • Granting Agency: Illinois Department of Natural Resources
  • Application Dates: Annually. Generally, the application timeframe opens in July with an end-of-August submission deadline.
  • Grant Amount: Up to $1,725,000 available for acquisition projects and pp to $6000,000 available for development/renovation projects.
  • Fees or Matching Requirements: The grant covers up to 75% of capital project costs for most applicants and 90% for disadvantaged communities.
  • Eligibility Requirements: Limited to units of local government with the authority to expend public funds for the acquisition and development of land for public indoor or outdoor park, recreation, or conservation purposes. Includes: Counties, townships, municipalities, park districts, conservation districts, forest preserve districts, and river conservancy districts.

Tourism Attractions Grant Program

The Tourism Attractions program provides funding assistance for the development or improvement of tourism attractions and festivals in Illinois. Grant funds for Tourism Attractions can be used for: Capital Projects, Equipment, Training, and Interpretive Programs.

  • Granting Agency: Illinois Department of Commerce & Economic Opportunity
  • Application Dates: TBD
  • Grant Amount: $10,000 to $1,000,000.
  • Fees or Matching Requirements:
    • Grants to units of local government, municipalities, counties, not for-profit organizations, or local promotion groups may exceed 50% of the entire amount of the actual expenditure for the project; however, preference is given to applicants seeking funding for 50% or less.
    • For profit business, the grant amount will not exceed 25% of the entire amount of actual expenditure for the project
  • Eligibility Requirements: Units of local government, not-for-profit organizations, local promotion groups and for-profit businesses are eligible. An entity must be registered in the Grant Accountability and Transparency Act (GATA) Grantee Portal.

Illinois Broadband Grant Opportunity

These grants improve broadband infrastructure for homes, businesses and important community agencies (considered as anchors) such as education, telehealth, agriculture, and economic development.

  • Granting Agency: Illinois Department of Commerce & Economic Opportunity
  • Application Dates: Rolling
  • Grant Amount: Up to $10 Million.
  • Fees or Matching Requirements: None
  • Eligibility Requirements:
    • Has a valid FEIN number
    • Has a valid DUNS number
    • Has a current account
    • Is not on the Federal Excluded Parties List
    • Is in Good Standing with the Illinois Secretary of State, as applicable
    • Is not on the Illinois Stop Payment list
    • Is not on the Department of Healthcare and Family Services Provider Sanctions list

Grant Resource Guide: Recreation, Sport, and Tourism

Federal Grants

Community Facilities Direct Loan and Grant Program

Provides funding to develop essential community facilities in rural areas. An essential community facility is defined as a facility that provides an essential service to the local community for the development of the community in a primarily rural area and does not include private, commercial, or business undertakings. Funds can be used to construct and/or improve essential community facilities, purchase equipment, or pay related project expenses.

Essential Community Facilities Include:

  • Healthcare Facilities: Hospitals, medical clinics, dental clinics, nursing homes or assisted living facilities
  • Public Facilities: Town halls, courthouses, airport hangars or street improvements
  • Community Support Services: Child care centers, community centers, fairgrounds or transitional housing
  • Public Safety Services: Fire departments, police stations, prisons, police vehicles, fire trucks, public works vehicles or equipment
  • Educational Services: Museums, libraries or private schools
  • Utility Services: Telemedicine or distance learning equipment
  • Local Food Systems: Community gardens, food pantries, community kitchens, food banks, food hubs or greenhouses

Grant Details

  • Granting Agency: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Rural Development
  • Application Deadline: Not listed. The agency says it is open year-round.
  • Eligible applicants:
    • Public bodies
    • Community-based non-profit corporations
    • Federally-recognized Tribes
  • Eligible areas: Cities, villages, townships, and towns, including Federally Recognized Tribal Lands with no more than 20,000 residents, according to the latest U.S. Census Data.

Grant Amounts

Table shows a breakdown of maximum grant dollars based on combination of project cost, population, and median income for the eligible area.
Grant AmountPopulationMedian Income
Maximum 75% of Project CostUnder 5,000Under poverty line or 60% state non-metropolitan median household income
Maximum 55% of Project CostUnder 12,000Under poverty line or 70% state non-metropolitan median household income
Maximum 35% of Project CostUnder 20,000Under poverty line or 80% state non-metropolitan median household income
Maximum 15% of Project CostUnder 20,000Under poverty line or 90% state non-metropolitan median household income

Grant Resource Guide: Recreation, Sport, and Tourism

Foundations, Corporate, and Association Grants

National Recreation and Park Association

Offers a variety of grants at different times of the year and offers additional resources for grant prospecting. 

Check for Updates

Grant Details

  • Granting Agency: National Recreation and Park Association
  • Application Dates: Varies
  • Grant Amount: Varies
  • Fees or Matching Requirements: Varies
  • Eligibility Requirements: Grants offered directly by NRPA require your organization to be a member of the association.

Union Pacific Foundation Local Grants Program

Provides funding for efforts focused on Safety, Workforce Development, and Community Spaces. Supports programs and organizations working to advance diversity, equity, and inclusion of underrepresented populations.

Prioritize funding for programs that:

  • Create, sustain or expand artistic and cultural experiences
  • Preserve and share unique cultures and history of the local community
  • Provide clean, safe, equitable and accessible outdoor recreational and/or educational opportunities
  • Beautify neighborhoods and main street areas
  • Build the capacity of community spaces/organizations to integrate DEI best practices internally and/or within their community programs

Grant Details

  • Granting Agency: Union Pacific Foundation
  • Application Dates: April 1 to May 31 of each year
  • Grant Amount: $5,000 to $30,000
  • Eligible Applicants:
    • Must be 501(c)(3) non-profit, charitable organizations (does not fund government entities without 501(c)(3) designation)
    • Must primarily benefit a community that is served by Union Pacific. Find Union Pacific Locations.

Captain Planet Foundation Grants

Captain Planet Foundation grants strive to empower youth by providing hands-on environmental stewardship opportunities that uses the environment as a context for applied and STEM learning. This is not a typical grant; rather, the funder supports the implementation of pre-established Captain Planet Foundation STEM learning programs. Could be applicable to parks and recreation providers looking to expand upon environmental education program offerings.

Two classes of support are available: 

  • Material support for predetermined supplies, kits training, and activities.
  • Monetary support to fund the materials necessary to implement proposed projects that meet CPF criteria.

Grant Details

  • Granting Agency: Captain Planet Foundation
  • Application Dates: Program currently under reorganization
  • Grant Amount: $2,500
  • Fees or Matching Requirements: Preference given to requests that have secured match or in-kind funding commitments to support projects.
  • Eligibility Requirements (Material Support):
    • Educators (formal and informal)
    • Schools and eligible nonprofits that meet funding criteria
  • Eligibility Requirements (Monetary Support):
    • Exempt from federal taxation under the IRS Section 501
    • Maintain an annual operating budget of less than $3 million (only for nonprofits)

Grant Resource Guide: Recreation, Sport, and Tourism

Foundations, Corporate, and Association Grants (cont'd)

Childhood Obesity Prevention/Environmental Health and Sustainability Awards

Aims to support programs in eligible cities that engage community members and promote initiatives in two areas:

Childhood Obesity Prevention Initiatives

  • Healthy food access projects,  community gardens, support farmers’ markets and/or free or low-cost food distribution
  • Cooking and nutrition programs focused on teaching kids how to eat better and/or how to prepare healthy meals
  • Programs that encourage kids to exercise in and out of school

Environmental Health & Sustainability Initiatives

  • Projects that develop parks, and other open spaces
  • Strategies to encourage and improve residential recycling rates
  • Food waste reduction initiatives, composting etc.
  • Beach and other community clean-up initiatives
  • Projects promoting water conservation
  • Projects promoting bike paths, neighborhood walkability, etc.

Grant Details

  • Granting Agency: The United States Conference of Mayors
  • Application Deadline: Annually, at the beginning of November
  • Grant Amounts:
    • 1st Place: $125,000 to $250,000 (award amount dependent upon city size)
    • 2nd Place: $50,000
    • 3rd Place: $15,000
  • Fees or Matching Requirements: N/A
  • Eligibility Requirements: All member cities of The United States Conference of Mayors are eligible to receive this award, including service cities. Each application must include a signed letter of support from the Mayor. There is no limit on the number of applications a Mayor can support or submit. Entries can be submitted by city departments, individual schools or school districts, and nonprofit organizations. There is no limit to the number of submissions from a member city.

Find Eligible Cities

NFL Grassroots Grant 

Provides non-profit, neighborhood-based organizations with financial and technical assistance to improve the quality, safety, and accessibility of local football fields. The program provides grants for capital improvement projects.

Criteria for selecting grants:

  • Feasibility of the proposed project.
  • Project readiness (i.e., identify sources of funding for entire budget)
  • Security of future field maintenance and safety (i.e., a detailed five-year maintenance plan is required)
  • Capacity of organization and its partners to carry out the project (demonstrate the ability to manage a large-scale capital project)

Grant Details

  • Granting Agency: NFL Foundation
  • Application Deadline: January of each year
  • Grant Amounts: Up to $250,000
  • Fees or Matching Requirements: Requires minimum local match of one dollar for every NFL Foundation Grassroots Program dollar (1:1). Match funding at a higher ratio will strengthen the proposal.
  • Eligibility Requirements: Only proposals that locate projects in NFL target markets and serve low and moderate-income communities are considered. Proposal should clearly state how the field improvements would benefit the community.

Find NFL Target Markets

Grant Resource Guide: Recreation, Sport, and Tourism

Foundations, Corporate, and Association Grants (cont'd)

Direct Service Grants

RRF awards Direct Service Grants for projects that:

  • Increase the availability and effectiveness of comprehensive community programs that help older people stay in their homes. Provide supportive services to older people in residential settings (e.g., congregate living facilities, group homes, and assisted living facilities)
  • Coordinate provision of care and services for older adults with chronic conditions who live in community settings
  • Offer new and expanded opportunities for older adults to stay meaningfully engaged in community life

Grant Details

  • Granting Agency: Retirement Research Foundation (RRF)
  • Application Dates: Letter of Inquiry due dates are November 15, February 1, and May 1. Applicants with accepted Letters of Inquiries will have one year to submit full proposal.
  • Grant Amount: TBD
  • Fees or Matching Requirements: 
  • Eligibility Requirements: Direct Service Grants are provided to nonprofit organizations that are:
    • Looking to enhance new direct service programs or significantly expand existing programs intentionally focused on persons age 65 and older.
    • Located in Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Missouri, Wisconsin, or Florida (or implementing a direct service project to one of these states).

Pioneering Ideas: Exploring the Future to Build a Culture of Health Grant

Fund proposals that contribute to health equity. Interested in ideas that address: Future of Evidence, Future of Social Interaction, Future of Food, and Future of Work. 

Applications evaluated based on:

  • Strength of health equity focus: How will this project increase opportunities for everyone to live the healthiest life possible, no matter who they are, where they live, or how much money they make?
  • Strength of insight: How will this project help us anticipate, adapt to, and influence the future in 5 to 15 years?
  • Strength of idea: Is this project pioneering in one or more of these ways?
    • Offers a new take or perspective on a long-running, perplexing problem
    • Challenges assumptions or cultural practices
    • Takes an existing idea and gives it a new spin—or a novel application
    • Applies ideas from other fields
    • Explores how an emerging trend will shape the future

Grant Details

  • Granting Agency: Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF)
  • Application Dates: Proposals will be accepted throughout the year on a rolling admission.
  • Grant Amount: There is not an explicit range for budget requests. Grant periods are flexible, though generally range from 1 to 3 years.
  • Fees or Matching Requirements: None
  • Eligibility Requirements: Preference given to 501(c)(3) applicants

Grant Resource Guide: Recreation, Sport, and Tourism

Foundations, Corporate, and Association Grants (cont'd)

Access Recreation Grant

Provides funding to increase access to recreation for people with disabilities

Grant Details

  • Granting Agency: Community Foundation of Lincolnland
  • Application Deadline: July 25, 2025
  • Grant Amounts: Not specified
  • Fees or Matching Requirements: NA
  • Eligibility Requirements: Supports 501(c)(3) or public organizations where donations used  for public purposes. Targets the following counties: Sangamon, Cass, Christian, Logan, Macoupin, Menard, Montgomery, and Morgan.

Sports 4 Life Grant Program

Sports 4 Life offers community funding and seeks to effect sustainable improvement to the overall health and development of girls in these communities through grant-making, leadership training, and capacity-building efforts.

Grant Details

  • Granting Agency: Women's Sports Foundation
  • Application Deadline: Rolling
  • Grant Amounts: Up to $25,000
  • Fees or Matching Requirements: NA
  • Eligibility Requirements: Must be a non-profit school, parks and recreation department, non-profit organization or amateur sports league and possess a 501(c)(3) status at the time the application is submitted and be located in the fifty (50) United States, District of Columbia or U.S. Territories.

    By invitation only.

MLB Youth Development Foundation Grants

Make grants to organizations in the United States and internationally for a variety of purposes, including funding capital projects (e.g., field renovations), baseball/softball programs, and education initiatives.

Supported Programs

  • Capital Projects (i.e., field lighting, renovations, and constructions)
  • Baseball and Softball Programs (i.e., players and infrastructure equipment, uniforms, coaches trainings, umpire fees, player registration fees, facility rental fees, and field maintenance)
  • Education Initiatives (i.e., programs, exhibits and other learning opportunities that promote interest in baseball/softball)
  • Schools (up to $5000 for players and infrastructure equipment)

Grant Details

  • Granting Agency: Major League Baseball Players Youth Foundation
  • Application Deadline: Submissions on a rolling basis throughout the year
  • Grant Amounts: Varies
  • Fees or Matching Requirements: The foundation recommends that projects have secured funding from other sources prior to applying. Do not fund capital projects with less than 50% of funding already secured.
  • Eligibility Requirements: Organizations supported include:
    • 501(c)(3) organizations
    • Public schools
    • Municipalities
    • American Indian Tribes

T-Mobile Hometown Grants

Grants are awarded for a variety of community projects (e.g., downtown improvements, park renovations, arts and cultural projects, etc.).

View Recent Recipients

Grant Details

  • Granting Agency: T-Mobile
  • Application Deadline: Applications are open quarterly; the application portal closes on the last day of each quarter and reopens for the new quarter on the first of the month.
    • Spring: January - March
    • Summer: April - June
    • Fall: July - September
    • Winter: October – December
  • Notifications: Grants are awarded quarterly, with notification provided 30 to 60 days after the end of each quarter.
  • Grant Amounts: Up to $50,000
  • Fees or Matching Requirements: NA
  • Eligibility Requirements: Towns/Cities with a population under 50,000 are eligible to apply.

Grant Resource Guide: Recreation, Sport, and Tourism

Economic Development Grants

Economic Development Grants

Rural Innovation Stronger Economy (RISE) Grant Program

The RISE Grant Program supports job accelerator partnerships for the promotion of private investment in regional economies. 

RISE Objectives

  • Improve the ability of rural communities to create high-wage jobs
  • Accelerate the formation of rural businesses,
  • Strengthen regional economies. 


Grant Fund Use

  • Build or support a business incubator facility
  • Provide worker training to assist in the creation of new jobs
  • Train existing workforce with skills for higher-paying jobs
  • Develop a base of skilled workers and improve their opportunities to obtain high-wage jobs in new or existing local industries.

Grant Details

  • Granting Agency: U.S. Dept. of Agriculture- Rural Development
  • Application Deadline: Between May and August (varies yearly)
  • Grant Amount: $500,000 to $2,000,000
  • Fees or Matching Requirements: NA
  • Eligibility Requirements: The RISE project must serve a rural region small enough to allow close collaboration among partners and include important elements of the region’s prioritized industry cluster.
  • Eligible Applicants Include:
    • Non-profit entities
    • State entities
    • Tribal entities
    • Institutions of higher education
    • Public bodies

Good Neighbor Citizenship Company Grants

Company grants focus on three areas: Safety, Education, and Community Development

Community Development

Maintaining the vibrancy of communities by assisting nonprofits that support:

  • Affordable housing
  • First-time homeowners
  • Neighborhood revitalization
  • Financial literacy
  • Job training
  • Small business development content

Grant Details

  • Granting Agency: State Farm
  • Application Deadline: Funding now offered through an invitation only process. Find inquiries about support based on state of residence.
  • Grant Amounts:
  • Fees or Matching Requirements:
  • Eligibility Requirements: Eligible applicantsinclude...
    • Educational institutions.
    • Municipal, county, state or federal government entities.
    • 501(c)(3) Charitable nonprofit organizations.
    • 501(c)(4) Volunteer fire companies.
    • 501(c)(6) Chambers of commerce.

Community Grants

Company grants focus on three areas.

  • Community and Economic Development: Improving local communities for the benefit of low-income individuals and families in the local service area.
  • Diversity and Inclusion: Fostering the building of relationships and understanding among diverse groups in the local service area
  • Education: Providing afterschool enrichment, tutoring or vocational training for low-income individuals and families in the local service area
  • Environmental Sustainability:
    • Hunger Relief and Healthy Eating: Providing Federal or charitable meals/snacks for low-income individuals and families in the local service area.
    • Public Safety: Supporting public safety programs through training programs or equipment in the local service area.
    • Quality of Life: Improving access to recreation, arts or cultural experiences for low-income individuals and families in the local service area.

Grant Details

  • Granting Agency: Walmart
  • Application Deadline: On a quarterly basis (April 15, July 15, October 15, December 31)
  • Grant Amount: $250 to $5,000
  • Fees or Matching Requirements: None
  • Eligibilty Requirements:  Eligible applicants include...
    • Educational institutions.
    • Municipal, county, state or federal government entities
    • 501(c)(3) Charitable nonprofit organizations

Grant Resource Guide: Recreation, Sport, and Tourism

1 Grant Resource Guide: Recreation, Sport, and Tourism