The University of Illinois Extension Master Gardener Advisory Committee consists of two certified University of Illinois Master Gardener representatives from each of the five state regions, two Extension staff members from each of the five University of Illinois regions, one representative from the University of Illinois Master Gardener Program at Chicago Botanic Garden, as well as the state Master Gardener Specialist and one state staff member. The purposes of the advisory committee are to:
- Serve as advisory counsel to state level Master Gardener administration.
- Encourage equitable distribution of state Master Gardener resources.
- Recommend minimum standards for University of Illinois Extension Master Gardener core course training.
- Strengthen state Master Gardener education and training.
- Increase awareness of University of Illinois Extension Master Gardener programs.
- Support an annual University of Illinois Extension Master Gardener conference.
- Recommend policies and guidelines for University of Illinois Extension Master Gardener programs while recognizing local needs.
The advisory committee meets quarterly, twice in person and twice virtually each year.