Champaign County Idea Garden

Garden History


In the fall of 1996, an enthusiastic group of Master Gardeners had an idea — a very exciting idea. They proposed creating a demonstration garden with a central gazebo and four sections, each with a different focus. The garden would be located near the corner of Florida and Lincoln Avenues in Urbana. University of Illinois Champaign County Extension endorsed the proposal, and work on what was to be called the “Idea Garden” began the next spring. A small, dedicated group of volunteers built a gazebo and erected a picket fence. They laid out paths and prepared the ground. A framework of trees, shrubs and perennials was planted over the years, augmented by many annuals.

Through the efforts of Master Gardeners and interns who volunteer more than 6,000 work hours each year, the Idea Garden is now an honored signature garden and community showcase. It has grown to include more than 18,000 square feet of planted space, a work shed and compost and mulch area. In 2019 a new Entrance Garden, between the parking lot and the West Border, was designed and planted to highlight a low maintenance garden with seasonal interest and a pollinator friendly alternative to turf.

The Idea Garden is always a work-in-progress as new plants are featured, sections are redesigned and new teaching points are illustrated. Each year the Idea Garden is enjoyed by thousands of residents, as well as out-of-town visitors and international guests. Changing with the seasons, this beautiful spot continues to fulfill its aim to educate and inspire.

Garden Location

Idea Garden, S Lincoln Ave, Urbana, IL 61801


In 2009, a grassroots effort emerged among Master Gardeners and community members to address a concern at the Idea Garden – to make the Idea Garden more accessible. The goal was to create a plan that assures accessibility regardless of mobility level and that aligns well with the campus master plan and future directions for that area of campus. Capital Planning and Space Management created a conceptual plan to make the garden accessible with the construction of an accessible parking lot immediately adjacent to the west entrance and adding a concrete walk around the full perimeter of the garden. This project, completed in 2017, was sponsored by the Champaign County Extension Education Foundation, UI Extension Master Gardeners of Champaign County, and the Urbana Rotary Club.

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