Rose Garden


The Rose Garden demonstrates two styles of garden design.

  1. The Cottage Garden along the fence showcases shrub roses along with beneficial companion plants. The Formal Garden in the front places color-grouped roses in a linear pattern surrounding a center container.

  2. The Rose Garden features a “Never Forget” area located in the southwest corner, this area includes roses honoring veterans, women who served, as well as a 9/11 Memorial.

Roses have been chosen for disease resistance, fragrance, and sustainability traits. Hybrid tea, floribunda, grandiflora, polyantha, old garden roses, species, climbing roses as well as shrub roses are among the types of roses growing in this section.

Organic products will be used to care for and feed the roses. Organic soil amendments will be used to maintain healthy soil.

The Rose Team participates in the American Rose Society’s Roses in Review annual evaluation of new rose introductions. The Rose Team also evaluates roses for growers.
