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4-H members share their Spirit!

We have Spirit, yes we do! 4-H members throughout Bureau, LaSalle, Marshall-Putnam counties are sharing their Spirit! We invite all 4-H members to share 4-H projects you are really proud of.
Let people know the positive impact 4-H can have.

We will be featuring our 4-Hers in a video campaign to share the impact 4-H has made on their lives.

To be a part of the project, submit a photo of you with a project you are most proud of, or are currently working on, along with a sentence answering the impact 4-H has made on you. Send your submissions to your 4-H Program Coordinator to be included in the promotional video.

Bureau County: Danielle Gapinski 
LaSalle County: Toni Pienta 
Marshall-Putnam Counties: Anne Scheel 

If you would like more information about this program, contact your University of Illinois Extension in Bureau, La Salle County or Marshall-Putnam Office.