LaSalle County 4-H’ers who are graduating Seniors were recognized by Illinois 4-H with a 4-H memorabilia tassel. Seniors receiving the tassel were challenged to post a photo with their tassel for all to see.
During 2020, Illinois 4-H youth faced challenges during the COIVD19 pandemic with school closures, 4-H cancellations, and 4-H exhibitions being moved to a virtual format.
“We recognize the challenges our 4-H youth faced, especially our 4-H members that were in their Senior year of high school and missing many milestones in their school and 4-H careers.”, said Tina Veal, 4-H Alumni & Constituent Engagement Manger with the Illinois 4-H program. “We wanted the opportunity to recognize those youth by creating a new 4-H memorabilia tassel to let 4-H youth know that we support them and are proud of the challenges they have overcome and to invite them stay connected to 4-H in their final years and as a 4-H alumni.” This recognition was made possible with support from the IL 4-H Foundation.
All graduating 4-H members have been formally invited to join the Illinois 4-H Alumni Association. This association was established in 2016 to create a lifelong, statewide community of 4-H alumni and provide increased opportunities for meaningful engagement to increase awareness, pride, participation, volunteerism and philanthropic commitment to Illinois 4-H.
4-H continues to build responsible and caring adults who are more likely to give back to their communities. The Illinois 4-H program has a strong history of making an impact on youth, building leaders and preparing them for success. Veal said, “We want to remain connected to our 4-H alumni to see the impacts they make in their future careers and communities.”
For information on joining 4-H or about the Illinois 4-H Alumni Association, contact your local Extension office or Tina Veal at the Illinois State 4-H office.
4-H, the nation’s largest youth development organization, grows confident young people who are empowered for life today and prepared for career tomorrow. 4-H programs empower nearly six million young people across the U.S. through experiences that develop critical life skills.
For more information on LaSalle County 4-H opportunities, contact Toni Pienta, 4-H Youth Development Coordinator, at the LaSalle County Extension office 815-433-0707.
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