On Tuesday July 16, during the 4-H Show, Marshall-Putnam 4-H will induct the newest 4-H Ambassador. This year's ambassador Jenna Eilts will join last year's ambassadors Molly Boyd, Cassie Johnson and Athena Lindstrom to help grow 4-H.
Jenna Eilts is a member of the L-W Achievers. She is the daughter of Jamie and Brenda Eilts of Toluca, and attends Fieldcrest High School. She is also a member of M-P Federation. Along with her livestock: dairy cattle, sheep and swine, Jenna also participates in clothing, crops and visual arts projects. Jenna is excited to be an ambassador to encourage others to be a part of 4-H.
Molly Boyd is a member of PC Progressors. She is the daughter of Helen Lenkaitis of Hennepin and attends Putnam County High School. Molly is also a member of Ag SPIN and Soo 4-H Sewing clubs. Over the years, Molly has participated in several projects including clothing, dairy cattle, foods, intercultural, interior design and several more. As an Ambassador Molly would like to encourage more youth to join 4-H.
Cassie Johnson is also a member of PC Progressors. She is the daughter of Brandon and Becky Johnson of Magnolia, and attends Putnam County High School. Cassie is also a member of 4-H Federation, Ag SPIN, Sooo 4-H Sewing and Dog SPIN clubs. During Cassie's 4-H career she has participated in clothing, crops, dogs, electricity, foods, horticulture, poultry and visual arts to name a few. As an Ambassador Cassie would like to be a part of State committees to help organize 4-H events on a state level.
Athena Lindstrom is a member of Saratoga Leadaways. She is the daughter of Aaron Lindstrom of Henry and she attends Henry-Senachwine High School. Athena is an active member of Federation, Sooo 4-H Sewing, M-P Robotics, Shooting Sports and Tech Wizards. Athena has enjoyed learning about Robotics, 3-D printing, foods, shooting sports, welding, clothing and visual arts. Athena is excited to spread the word of 4-H and be on State committees to further support 4-H as an Ambassador.
Congratulations to the new and returning Marshall-Putnam 4-H Ambassadors.
If you would like one or all these Ambassadors to come to your group to speak about 4-H, please contact Anne Scheel at 309 364-2356.
Picture from left to right. Jenna Eilts, Molly Boyd, Cassie Johnson, and Athena Lindstrom
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