UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS EXTENSION – Bureau, LaSalle, Marshall, Putnam Unit
The Toluca Public Library opened their summer reading program June 1st, under the supervision of University of Illinois Extension Master Gardener volunteers. Youth participants assisted the volunteers in planting three community garden beds on the lot of Fieldcrest Intermediate School in Toluca. The Fieldcrest Fourth Grade Class had previously harvested the lettuce bed gardens at the school as part of the 4-H program "Seeds to Harvest". Turning the raised bed gardens into a summer community garden was a perfect solution to utilizing the beds outside of the school year. With over 50 percent of the students in the intermediate school on reduced or free lunches, the community gardens are there to provide fresh vegetables for all community members.
Lettuce, radishes and green onions are ready for harvest. Later in the season watch for tomatoes, cucumbers, green beans, bell peppers and zucchini squash. Feel free to help yourself to these delicious and nutritious fresh vegetables.
The creation of these community garden beds is part of the Healthy Gardening Project, sponsored by the Marshall-Putnam Master Gardeners and led by Barb Dahlbach. The mission of the Healthy Gardening Project is "Give a man a vegetable, you feed him for a day; teach a man to garden, and you feed him for life". Community members with gardening question are encouraged to contact the local University of Illinois Extension Office in their County, as follows:
Bureau County, Princeton: 815.875.2878
Marhsall-Putnam Counties, Henry: 309.364.2356
LaSalle County, Ottawa: 815.433.0707
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