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Zoom safely with these tips from 4-H Tech Changemakers

With more and more people utilizing Zoom to stay connected, Bureau, LaSalle, Marshall, and Putnam counties’ 4-H Tech Changemakers have compiled a list of safety tips.  Each Tech Changemaker highlights a tip in this video, which is viewable at  This is the first in a series of technology videos being released by the 4-H Tech Changemaker program. 

The Microsoft and 4-H Tech Changemakers partnership empowers youth to help close the broadband internet gap. Access is only half the problem. Feeling secure and knowledgeable, enough to adopt and use the technology is the other half.  This partnership elevates teens as teachers to provide training and communication to assist adults in their community with increasing their comfort level in utilizing new technology.

For more information about the 4-H program, contact your local 4-H and Youth Development Program Coordinator via e-mail at the following addresses: Bureau County (, LaSalle County (, or Marshall-Putnam Counties ( Extension offices are located in Princeton, Ottawa, Henry and in Oglesby on the IVCC campus.