Volunteer Management

Volunteer Management


Welcome to Extension Volunteer Engagement! Explore our page to find resources, professional development opportunities, and much more!

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Extension Volunteer Management Conference


Join us 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. on April 9, 2025 at iHotel & Conference Center in Champaign for our next Extension Volunteer Management Conference!

*Click "Download Calendar Invite", select "Download", and select "Yes" on Microsoft Outlook Security Warning screen to add the invite to your Outlook calendar.


2024 Volunteer Engagement Conference Recap

Conference Recordings

Tobi Johnson

Keynote - Tobi Johnson

Hear from globally recognized expert in volunteer engagement (and a Master Gardener!), Tobi Johnson, on "how to take your leadership to the next level and volunteers will follow". Check out her bio to learn more about her and her impact in the world of volunteer engagement.

You will learn …

  • What it means to be a truly volunteer-driven organization and what can happen when volunteers lead the way
  • The STAR Method for volunteers who lead and how it can ground their practice
  • How to pinpoint core values and actions and build out a personal leadership philosophy
  • How to use a Team Blueprint to build a shared vision of success together
  • How to build a transformational communications plan that both inspires and keeps volunteers in the loop
App navigation screen

Volunteer Management System

The new website is designed to be a tool for Extension staff to steward and manage the volunteers they work with. This means there will be a standardized volunteer application process with streamlined background check and reference check procedures, all managed through the system. Just think of all the time staff will now have to focus on programming! The Extension Web Team and Workforce Development Team facilitated an interactive afternoon session during the conference. Participants learned the “why” and “how” of the new system, including a refresher on volunteer policies, a full demonstration of the system, and resources on how to utilize the new system.

Post-it notes on corkboard

Panel Discussion

Hear the Extension Workforce Development Volunteer Associates and the Extension Web Team facilitate question and answer session about the new Volunteer Management System. 

toolkit image under spotlights

Volunteer Management Toolkit Spotlight

Our July Volunteer Management Mini-Training will focus on interviewing volunteers. Check out the interview template prior to our July 25 session!

Extension Volunteer Impact, Recognition, & Information Exchange

We love to hear about the exciting work you are doing in your areas! Sharing the impact of your volunteers in your community and program areas encourages our dedication to the mission of Extension and we are eager to share more stories related to volunteer impact, recognition, recruitment, and development.