Master Gardeners
If you enjoy learning about gardening and like to share your gardening knowledge, the Master Gardener program may be for you. All you need is an interest in gardening, an open mind, and a willingness to share your knowledge with others. The role of the Master Gardeners is to share unbiased, reliable, research-based information with home landscapers and gardeners. Another important function is to encourage young people to enjoy the pleasures of flower and vegetable growing.
Master Gardener volunteers work on behalf of and under the supervision of University of Illinois Extension. Volunteers are required to report to their local Master Gardener coordinator about all planned activities prior to conducting the program. While most volunteer work is conducted in the local Extension unit, some projects involve interagency interaction with parks and recreation departments, nursing homes, school gardening projects or other city agencies. One project that is currently underway is the Cultivating Care Donation Garden in Marion!
Become a Master Gardener
The Illinois Master Gardener program is coordinated by University of Illinois Extension, with consultation from local program partners.
Why become a Master Gardener?
The mission of the University of Illinois Extension Master Gardener program is "Helping Others Learn to Grow." Master Gardeners involve people in improving the quality of life by helping them find sound management practices for home and urban natural resources, by creating aesthetically pleasing environments, by promoting well-being through people-plant interactions and horticultural therapy, and by contributing to a safe, abundant food supply through home fruit and vegetable production.
When is the next online training?
This self-guided course is for Illinois residents and can be taken from the comfort of home on a desktop, laptop, or tablet. The training includes videos, a manual, reading materials, and quizzes. The course can be completed in 14 weeks with four hours of weekly work. A strong internet connection is highly recommended. This course is aimed at exposing participants to in-depth horticulture content through 13 modules including soils and fertilizers, plant diseases, entomology, pest management organic gardening and more. After finishing training, participants have the option to put their newfound gardening knowledge to use by applying to become an Illinois Extension Master Gardener Volunteer.
Cost: $300 to $330
Summer 2025 (Course runs June 9- August 30)
· Registration opens 4/1/2025
· Registration closes 5/19/2025
· Training starts 6/9/2025
· Group Zoom meetup dates: 6/9, 7/7, 8/4
Fall 2025 (Course runs September 15- December 31)
· Registration opens 7/1/2025
· Registration closes 8/18/2025
· Training starts 9/15/2025
· Group Zoom meetup dates: 9/15, 10/20, 11/17
If you have questions about the online training, please contact Erica Lunde at eplunde@illinois.edu.
What are the expectations of a volunteer?
To be an active Master Gardener, you must remain current in annual educational updates - a minimum of 10 hours, and volunteer service hours - a minimum of 20 hours, required by the local program. We ask that volunteers abide by the Master Gardener policies. Thank you for all you do for your communities!
What is the program fee?
The Illinois Master Gardener Hybrid Training option is $200. The Illinois Master Gardener Fully Remote Online Training option is $300.
This fee for the course covers:
- 14-module training, including over 60 hours of classroom instruction and field learning.
- Assistance in finding a volunteer position that fits your personal interests, abilities, and time restraints for as long as you remain a Certified Master Gardener.
- Continuing-education events and opportunities.
After an application is received and accepted, you will be notified of your payment options.
What are the steps to join?
1. Contact Erica Lunde at eplunde@illinois.edu for an application packet to complete and return to your local Illinois Extension office.
2. Attend an informal interview.
3. Pay program fee, covering online instruction and Master Gardener manual.
4. Complete the training.
5. Complete the 40-hour volunteer internship.
6. Continue to volunteer 20 hours each year and attend 10 hours of continuing education programs.

Policies and Guidelines
After reviewing the Master Gardener Policies, volunteers should complete the Volunteer Agreement and Code of Conduct each year.
For More Information