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Gardening tips for every season.

News Releases
A person leaning over to use garden snips to cut off a section of the houseplant for propagation.
From one to many: A beginner's guide to plant propagation
URBANA, Ill. — Many indoor gardeners quickly discover that one houseplant is rarely enough. What begins as an admiration for a charming or unique plant often evolves into a strong desire, or even a need, to fill every corner of a home or office with lush greenery. A simple and cost-effective way...
Kids competing in competition with 4-H clover.
Youth place in livestock quiz bowl
Local 4-H members from southern Illinois recently competed at a Livestock Quiz Bowl. The event was filled with fun activities as youth identified various types of feed, species, equipment, and cuts of meat. This competition was a way to stimulate learning in various topics and prepare those...
Hummingbird drinking from a flower
Learn how to attract ruby-throated hummingbirds to your backyard
Have you noticed different birds at your feeders? Although ruby-throated hummingbirds are expected visitors to gardens east of the Rocky Mountains, several species of vagrant hummingbirds have been documented in Illinois. Did you know that there are citizen science projects looking for your...

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